Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Last?

Okok, i know Im not suppose to be here typing even a word but it's a futile try to study...though exams are in like a week. =D

PMR is nxt monday, can't say im not well prepared yet you can say i can do more. Im worried because im not worried,how pathetic!

I don't know what i wanna blog abt but yet the comp is somehow magnetised. its special, it doesnt attract iron or wtv, it attracts me....thats the bad thing fer having ure comp in the room that you study in.=D

This is a whole lot of f***ing crap,

Voice: Legin you've got to get ure hands off the keyboard and gobble down your history txt book.

Legin:But if i dont type, then you wont be able to tell me to get my hands off

Haha, just trying to find a reason for me to be on9 at this point.

PMR, do or die(thats what Pn Molly said)

Ppl might think its just a piece of cake or prob 'kacang putih', in my case its more than that.

Oh and i 'researched'(another reason to go on9 =D) on handphones i wanna get.

1) Samsung Ultra Edition 12.9(D900)
2)SE W900i
3)Nokia 6280

O.O, i really do like the Samsung but im clumsy and Samsung's not rock-hard =D

Ok, seriously gtg...gonna stop contradicting myself and get to work


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