Thursday, February 15, 2007

Smoky Valentines

I made it through Feb 14

extra special this year =)

Love or rather racism was in the air.

Zoe and I head off to Muzium Shah Alam to attend some anti-smoking talk.

The place was infested with Malays...

Blame me for being racist but their "jungle" act was really provocative....Go live on a Tualang tree you bunch o' barbarians.

You guys stink too!

So f*** off.

I did not receive a whole lot of gifts this year, a miserable packet of candies and a pair of locks.(are they from you, Violet).

Nvm, i dont give two hoots abt it.

My blog is experiencing drought these days, sorry for the dry posts, i swear i hate them myself. When i get my new phone, ill try to make them as interesting as possible with cool pics.......of ME! Haha, just kidding! Just cross your fingers that that w850i will be mine soon.

Basically thats all about it, life's been rather dull nowadays and it revolves around school. Voila!


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