Saturday, September 05, 2009

Crime Does Texas.

Tidbits: Just when I thought my blogging mojo is gone, I stumbled upon a rather blog-worthy article. Such is life, isn't it? Always surprising.

As time passes, old things are generally replaced by the new. Nothing goes unescaped-even wise sayings like "Crime Does Not Pay." Because NOW, it actually does..and pays pretty well too. How well? Hmm, a million USD seems to be well enough for the average Tom, Dick, Harry and Nigel.

Okay, fine! Crime does not pay at all, at least not if you really rape someone, kill a baby or rob an old lady. But what if you were falsely accused of something you did not commit? There will be two possible scenarios.

#1 : You get the death sentence and can forget about making millions.
#2 : You go behind bars and pray for a long long long long sentence and a longer life.

"Exonerees will get $80,000 for each year they spent behind bars. The compensation also includes lifetime annuity payments that for most of the wrongly convicted are worth between $40,000 and $50,000 a year — making it by far the nation's most generous package."

In case you don't know what exonerees are, they are people who are exonerated. Make sense, no?
Okay, in other words, these people are those who are cleared from accusations and blame.

"Besides the lump sum and the monthly annuity payments, the bill includes 120 hours of paid tuition at a public college. It also gives exonerees an additional $25,000 for each year they spent on parole or as registered sex offenders."

No better and easier way to pay for college, eh?

In a way, I think we should count our blessings that cases like these only happen in the U.S. Imagine having such a system in Malaysia. People would be lining up to be sued for all the snatch theft cases on the street I tell you. You think they wouldn't?

Hey, the people we are talking about are people who take 100 pencils at Ikea when there's a humble note saying "Save the environment and PLEASE TAKE ONE ONLY." Oh yes, and not to mention buying a large cup of Coke from McDonalds', share among five and then get countless refills.

Sometimes I am impressed by the economical ways in which we live. Maybe this is why we are rather recession-proof compared to many other countries.

Now, to Google 'Unsolved Crimes in Texas' and make a choice. What do you think? Rape, murder, robbery or money laundering?

I'm on my way to making my millions.

Disclaimer: The blogger shall not be held responsible for the significant increase of crime rates.

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