Friday, June 23, 2006

The Deadly Epidemic of 3 Balau on the 23/6/06

A new epidemic case of a disease known as Syndrome Laziness was discovered on the 23/6/06 in class 3 Bal of SMKDJ. Out of 33 pupils, only 19 were present as they caught the disease and needed immediate 'recovery' process by cuddling themselves in their beds, alongside with a comforter and a fluffed up pillow. Experts have confirmed that by remaining confined in their rooms, the disease will wear off within 6 hours. One who caught this 'deadly' disease should avoid stress caused by long speeches especially from a naggy principal so that the condition of the patient does not worsen.

An 'unlucky' fellow named Legin Het caught that deadly disease but forced himself out of bed due to his hardworking nature. He woke up at 9am and took a bath, soaping himself to freshen up. Then he made his way to his friend Violet Lee's house to 'work' on a History project. He ended up in her room with 3 other vain chicks putting on eye-liner, mascara and eyeshadow.All of them felt their stomachs grumbling like a thunderstorm and took of to a nearby 'mamak' which is very popular among DJianz. You get to see every type of human over there, from the smoke producing type to the 'ah lians'.

He ate a plate of Maggi Mee Goreng and had a glass of iced lemon tea. After breakfast, the whole gang went for a stroll in Atria. Oh before that, they went into a mag shop and got an issue of Seventeen. Everyone is encouraged to purchase this month's issue as there is a hot chick wearing a blouse,tie and a very short hips revealing pants. The girls then went window shopping from shop to shop and Legin became the fashion consultant. They visited Network Clothing and Legin tried on a few button-ups and slacks chosen by Violet. Legin looked awesome, as always.

Background voice: Someone is self obsessed!

Then, they headed back to Violet's house. They 3 girls left quite soon because they had to run some errands. Legin was forced to stay back by Violet to prepare lunch for dear Pn Monica and a whole lot of hungry man-eating barbarians. So they decided to cook some spagetti topped with x-tra sour ketchup. Went to the library after that and got nagged by the stressed up teacher. Did some preparations for the upcoming Resource Centre Week. She's not the only one stressed up, Legin was too. Worked till 4.30pm and went home.Tiring it was.

Reached home, Legin watched 8TV. Almost fell asleep on the sofa,extreme tiredness. Took a bath and prepared for tuition. Had dinner, went to tuition and came home. Legin then watched HBO that broadcasted Legally Blonde 2. Legin was blogging at 12.35pm and his eyes are closing soon. So he's gonna bid yaall good night.

Quote of The Day: An Honest Voice Speaks Louder than A Crowd of Hypocrytes.

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