Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Quoting for Dummies

Hey, its been long since ive been here. There's nth much to talk bout lately. Since Amanda asked for updates, and im in the ill blog.

Quote 1
I love to be loved
Every single breathing organism does, animal,human, hunk,chick,with same sex,with diff sex.....we all do like that feeling of being loved. It carves that cheeky smile on our lips knowing im actually loveable. Its a great form of flattery and excellent self esteem booster. Don't confuse fantasy with reality though.

Quote 2
Dont Be Stupid its Painful
My guess, love? Or somewhere between love and infatuation. You see, as humans sometimes we know things start with goodbye(learn to love this word).And they do.We know that things dont turn out as expected and things dont go the way we want it to be, especially in the game of love. Yet!Yet!We chose to stroll down that path. My ans for going this way is, LOVE.That strong magnetic feeling. But im not contented with this ans. Love is much stronger,this thing isnt that powerful, but this weird thing is stronger than infatuation. Its somewhere between. Its gonna take a while before i get the right word for it. Suggestions?

P/s: Love has its stages. In high school, i call it woofwoof love. Haha, but a maybe a few do end up childhood sweethearts. Lucky b*****ds.

Quote 3
But But
And here we go, back to square one. The "buts" and "ifs" thing. Its part of life. IF i had Bill Gates's fortune. BUT it shouldnt go this way. Live with them, they're the chemical X that makes up your life.Good or bad, you dont have much choice other than face it, right?

Quote 4
Love will get us past the customs
Im really the old school guy. True love conquers it all. Even if it means getting you past the customs =D. Oxford's definition of love is too general. Everyone has a diff definition of it. And if you want to find true love, live up to your definition, dont wander around searching for treasure when your dream is only a penny. True love is hard to find, but not impossible =D. Kudos to those who found em.

Quote 5
You can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches
Of course, hard knocks are hurtful lessons but what's important is they actually leave an IMPACT. Soft touches are the kind that teaches you something tenderly. An addition, if you knew you would lie too if you're in his place, it made it sound like you do understand the situation and that makes the average percentage of anger drop dead to 0.01%? Guys are born liars, its what we do. Sometimes we lie to escape from hurting a person and sometimes for a good laugh. Im not encouraging lies but every now and then we have to AND we all do. Love itself is a lie, love is an illusion of the heart. Illusions are lies, beautiful lies.

Sorry for replying quotes, nth else to blog abt.

Till then,

“Lyrics written based on everyday stories, tune form from the voices around you, instruments played by your own actions, thats your heartsong-leginhet”

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