Monday, January 08, 2007

Reasons, Unreasonably Unreasonable

Well, i thought 2007 was off to a good start. First week of school was dreadful, some "organism" living in it have been satisfying his sadistic addiction towards partly innocent people.

Approximately 2 months of being nice was too much for that "organism". He's not gonna get a gift from santa any time soon. Yes, he's not nice but no he's not naughty. He is unreasonably evil!

Some people just wanna breathe calmly in school undisturbed by howls of organisms merely thinking the dictator way. Hypocrytes, you got that all wrong if you said we've a chance to correct things nicely. Some "organisms" would invent a thousand and one reasons UNREASONABLY just to get back at you.

No, im not being defensive. You might think of me as the typical high school lad that defends himself although he knows very well what he did. But, boldly i'd say, Im not. I remain firm with what i am and what i am is nothing wrong. I want to be mad at the "organisms" but its too energy consuming.

Don't make learning from mistakes an obligation. You can take an M16 rifle or whatsoever and tutor that individual with it but its not learning, its making them learn. Sounds similar but vastly different. There's no deny that you've to be strict to enforce things but that doesnt mean you cannot show some love and sincerity at the same time. Words can be a little softer for the weak human ear and heart.When people accept, they learn. You stand for what you believe in so do I. School was suppose to be safe from predators, what if the predator was inside. Sometimes i feel like im playing a game of hide and seek whereas im the mouse and the "organism" is a cat. No, i dont go to school to play kiddy games with "organisms", i just wanna enjoy my my teenage life and fill my life's jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw was suppose to be a beautiful picture, but the presence of "organisms" are like haze to a wide green meadow with tulips. Piece by piece is tarnished.

I know I have nothing in my power to change anything for now. But Im a firm believer in Karma and one fine fine day, the "organism" is going to pay a hefty price. The "organism" does things so personal and i dare say i know it when things get personal. What goes around comes around. What goes up, must come down. You're at the peak now but life is a wheel, no one remains at the top forever, there are circles ups and downs. You think you're superior, there's always something greater than you. And that something greater must have been fair to the people by not blessing you with offsprings. Be nice, it'll come back to you one day. Spread happiness, you'll be the happier person yourself. You might like the way your life runs now but it'll come across a turning point one day. For the last time, i honestly said I tried not being mad at the "organism" for doing his job, but never cross the yellow line. Your patience has its limits so does mine. Usually my yellow line is far enough to avoid being crossed, but the "organism" chose the perfect mode of transport to cross it, a bullet train,quick and easy, and it came crashing through my life.
Great respect is for those who deserves it, and at the moment, you're not getting any. Changing the way things are is difficult but not impossible. It's because you never intended to change anything. Just because your life might be miserable in the past, it doesnt mean mine has to go through what you've been through. You never earned the right to take other peoples' rights. My happiness is hard earned and i deserve it because i dont pick on people. I just want to breathe!

"A great person is a person who makes other people feel great"


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