Thursday, December 28, 2006
There Aint No White Flag
It wasnt as freaky as i imagined,probably because Mum sms-ed the results.
It was kinda lack-lustre, seeing classmates with their wide "Darlie/Colgate" smiles and seemingly reachin' for the stars jumps. It was alienating.Awkward!
I really wanted to join in the parade, but i wasnt feelin esctasized. Oh well, its worth some nicely carved curves on the lips, probably earn me a new hp too.*crosses fingers*
There was a celebration gathering at OU after the adrenaline jerking experience. Not much drama.No toasts,no cheers,no "yumsehs". Even worse than an ordinary outing. The only thing that was worth mentioning was me winning the pool game againts Zhao which Zoe claimed to be purely out of plain luck.
Mike, thats an insult!
Im reading "If You Could See Me Now" by Cecilia Ahern. Great book.Creative!Imaginative piece of work!
The holidays are fast leaving me behind, or is it im proceding. Not really sure if im ready to take on upper secondary,f*** add maths. Premonition, stress hormones are definitely emanating from me next year.But I'll try to keep it at a distance. No more banging heads onto walls, literally.
I've got lots to say, but i dont know how to put in into words. Basically, im just looking for something, easier to put it that way.
This getting over stage is bloody fucking tough.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I Wouldnt Name it Doomsday, There are Better Names for Commemoration
My feelings cant be put into words now. Im not exactly afraid of whats coming, eager i might add. There arent any butterflies flying in my stomach, if there are any, there're really gentle creatures.
Zhao claimed she's already having naughty aggressive butterflies in her tummy.Guess what was my suggestion?
I suggested that she took insecticide. No, im not a sadist,im being a caring friend actually. You see, if you take a dose of that miraculous thing, you kill those butterflies and you wont have to face tomorrow. Now where on this beautiful third rock from the sun can you find such a pal?
But i got mocked by her after that.....wonder why?
Anyway, back to the drama.I hope this battle would end up with my victory...i seriously do.I dare say much effort has been put into, never before i was stressed up to the limits. Im guessing what'll happen when im taking SPM.........ill save my creative imaginations for something better. Too intimidating to even think about.
Went out to the night market today. Being a Malaysian Malaysian, i do have the tendency to lean to the "dark" side. Well, piracy aint no big deal. Petaling Street boosted the country's economy big time. Anyway, while i was being Malaysian, the authorities came strollin' along in their blue truck.It was disastrous, and a real shocker. I stoned there, not knowing what to do. I dont have to run do i? I didnt own that cd yet, not payments! Im therefore not guilty. The rest of the details are to remain purely confidential.You never know if some internal security agent comes nosy-ing around my blog. The Internet is getting vulnerable by the day and you know bloggers are watched nowadays. Talk about freedom of speech and privacy. Tell ya what, if you fear of getting bad mouthed, it only proves one damned thing. You've a skeleton in the closet.
Well, if much effort has been put into for this "war", i guess its only luck and religion that i can rely on for now. Maybe some storm or a tsunami will crush my enemy's battleship. Who are my enemies anyway? =)
Wish myself the best.
lotsa love emanating,
Friday, December 22, 2006
Well, went out with the old bunch today.
It was fun, frankly oozes more satisfaction compared to the previous class party. Its not the quantity, its the quality. =)
Watched Eragon, mediocre.....aint award winning material but still watch-able.
Indulged myself in a glass of Escapade at Yippee Cup. Damn its good. =D
For the past uneventful days, it occured to me that humans really do have the freedom of speech.
And they present it in various versatile ways, eg a tee-shirt.
it says, "i was voted most flexible by your boyfriend".
It's winter now right? My humour is becoming cold.
I was watchin' Nigella Bites the other day, she was cooking, obviously..
She took some onions, man they were huge,and juicy.
Out of the blues, i just said, "Wow,her onions sure are big and juicy,"
Then i realised there was some glitch in that sentence.
Is it me or what?
Im addicted to Hurt by Christina Aguilera at the moment.Those power-belting vocals sure are tear jerking.
Since my holidays are fast coming to an end, i think its time to look back at what i did for the past few weeks.
Basically, nothing. But life is somehow at a sharp turning point now. This holiday aint that bad, ive learned a few things, viewed things from a diff angle, take things slightly and there.
It has also occured to me that im a strong believer in karma. What goes around comes around. Im thankful for it, i aint sceptical but believing in karma did helped me to live my life in the way i want it to be. Well, im just me.
Ok, till then,
lotsa love,
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
If it Aint A Crumbling Spine
Nah,not from London or Italy.
From my hometown.
Nth much happened, there were things, i just dont think the factors now doesnt promote much storytelling.
Namely, my crumbling spine and backbone due to lack of very bad sleep.
Been through a great amount of stress lately.
Nth t0 blog abt right now.
Goin to Sunway.
So till then,
lots of love,
leginhet =D
The greatest happiness one can achieve is knowing that he does not require happiness-leginhet.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Quoting for Dummies
Quote 1
I love to be loved
Every single breathing organism does, animal,human, hunk,chick,with same sex,with diff sex.....we all do like that feeling of being loved. It carves that cheeky smile on our lips knowing im actually loveable. Its a great form of flattery and excellent self esteem booster. Don't confuse fantasy with reality though.
Quote 2
Dont Be Stupid its Painful
My guess, love? Or somewhere between love and infatuation. You see, as humans sometimes we know things start with goodbye(learn to love this word).And they do.We know that things dont turn out as expected and things dont go the way we want it to be, especially in the game of love. Yet!Yet!We chose to stroll down that path. My ans for going this way is, LOVE.That strong magnetic feeling. But im not contented with this ans. Love is much stronger,this thing isnt that powerful, but this weird thing is stronger than infatuation. Its somewhere between. Its gonna take a while before i get the right word for it. Suggestions?
P/s: Love has its stages. In high school, i call it woofwoof love. Haha, but a maybe a few do end up childhood sweethearts. Lucky b*****ds.
Quote 3
But But
And here we go, back to square one. The "buts" and "ifs" thing. Its part of life. IF i had Bill Gates's fortune. BUT it shouldnt go this way. Live with them, they're the chemical X that makes up your life.Good or bad, you dont have much choice other than face it, right?
Quote 4
Love will get us past the customs
Im really the old school guy. True love conquers it all. Even if it means getting you past the customs =D. Oxford's definition of love is too general. Everyone has a diff definition of it. And if you want to find true love, live up to your definition, dont wander around searching for treasure when your dream is only a penny. True love is hard to find, but not impossible =D. Kudos to those who found em.
Quote 5
You can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches
Of course, hard knocks are hurtful lessons but what's important is they actually leave an IMPACT. Soft touches are the kind that teaches you something tenderly. An addition, if you knew you would lie too if you're in his place, it made it sound like you do understand the situation and that makes the average percentage of anger drop dead to 0.01%? Guys are born liars, its what we do. Sometimes we lie to escape from hurting a person and sometimes for a good laugh. Im not encouraging lies but every now and then we have to AND we all do. Love itself is a lie, love is an illusion of the heart. Illusions are lies, beautiful lies.
Sorry for replying quotes, nth else to blog abt.
Till then,
“Lyrics written based on everyday stories, tune form from the voices around you, instruments played by your own actions, thats your heartsong-leginhet”
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"Dont be surprised if you see platinum cardholders with a number of girls, being loved is a priviledge-leginhet"
Manglish Manglish in The Air
Dropped by the National Library and caused havoc sounding above 100dB, we rule!
The guide was a nice,petite and softspoken Malay that speaks Manglish so fluently.
And the place was filled with mixed languages, amongst them were "Tokoh bla bla bla bla amat "versatile". I thought they wanted perfect BM not rojak but hey i found that in the National Library, where ppl gain "knowledge".
And there's smth really funny at the place........they stick posters with the phrase "Harvard Collections" with an arrow pointing down and coincidentally, one big blue garbage bin was placed below one of the posters.
Then we went to the Craft Centre. Yeah there were pottery, wood crafts, batiks,songket pretty
much all that. I saw a yellow and gold baju Melayu and its darn nice......but according to Pn Monica it costs bout 1000 bucks++. WTF?!?!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Enraging hormones at TM Point
Pressed the ticketing machine thingy(i love that thing =D),
*print print print*
looked at the number
*prayed hard*
and looked at the number they are serving at the moment
"Wtf, 40 more!!!"
There were no seats available so I had to stand. The afternoon couldn get better by me smelling the fresh odour of sweat from the armpits of some kind soul that offers free aromatheraphy.
Waited and waited and suddenly,"BANG"!!!
Wth was that? My guess,some impatient dude kick the wall and left in an angry manner. Hey listen dude, patience is a virtue
Then came along a woman in Elle Sports attire. %$^@&*%#&*@
What my nosy ears tell me, she made an appointment with the technician since who knows how long ago and there was no response at all.She called up and was ignored. So she mocked the poor customer service manager.
Funnily, the manager stop her instantly and said
"You mahu marah, you jgn marah saya,marah dia, sya pun tak tau pasal benda ni"
Note the Manglish, it aint that corrupted but still, you're working for Telekom and as far as i remembered, the gov wants to "menghapuskan pencemaran bahasa"
The lady in Elle was speaking Manglish too. I love watching quarrels in Manglish, its like the cherry on top a the cake. Without it, the quarrel would be BORING.
So,conclusion, MANGLISH ROCKS!!! And Msians do need some anger management classes.
Then I went to Domino' s for lunch. Waited 10 mins which seemed like forever. Got in the car,cant wait to reach home and indulge in the delicious,scumptious and magnificent FOOD!
What did you know, they forgot to add in my banana kaya dessert. Wtf, im famished and i dont wanna turn back!
At least they gave me a can of coke to compensate for my gastric-corroded stomach lining while waiting.
Today, went to ou and got some books and thats practically everything. Oh and i just love riding in teachers' can seriously get a good laugh.
And i realised today that teachers were also humans...
Oh course they are, just that my perception before was more of the "baju kurung wearing ladies"
Ill end with a quote from Amy Tan's latest book "Saving Fish from Drowing"
The quote is kinda funny and in denial.
A Pious Man explained to his followers: "It is evil to take lives and noble to save them. Each day i pledge to save a hundred lives. I drop my net in the lake and scoop out a hundred fishes. I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and twirl. "Don't be scared," I tell those fishes. "I am saving you from drowning." Soon enough, the fishes grown calm and lie still. Yet, sad to say, I am always too late. The fishes expire. And because it is evil to waste anything. I take those fishes to the market and sell them for a good price. With the money i receive, I buy more nets to I can save more fishes(lives).
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Dont Dream Its Over- Sixpence None The Richer
Sad life huh?
I discovered that when you're bored, its good to daydream or just fantasize
10 things you can dream abt
1)Striking it rich in life and driving a Lamborghini cruising down the roads of Beverly Hills.
2)Meeting someone hot, Tyra Banks?
3)Being in the spotlight walking down the red carpet and winning an Oscar for Best Actor.
4)Having your own line of gadgets
5)Owning a club with a diff theme everyday.
6)Flying on your private jet to a 6 star beach resort on your private island.
7)Owning a yacht and sail the seven seas with your loved one.
8)A statue of yourself the size of the Statue of Liberty placed in the heart of umm your own city.
9)A ranch in the countryside with horses running free and you can ride em with your loved one and just lie on the green fields watching the sunset and the stars.
10)Invitation to big events.....Karl Lagerfield's Spring/Summer Collection Show
Bored....ill blog nxt time.
"Seeming and Being are not One-Leginhet"
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Cecelia Ahern
So days have been in a so-so state, nth enthralling yet im livin' with it,or should it be dreading with it.Both ways, im still me!haha...
Oh what surprised me was that im actually spending the days reading novels, not just any novels, L.O.V.E novels. Wtf, thats homo, but soon i find it interesting(not the homo part), PS, I Love You was a nice book.
What defines a nice book?
When Nigel Teh can actually spend his whole "interesting-full-of-programs day" lying on the sofa and read and not to mention finish it in 2 days, usually it'll take ages.
Love novels arent really my element, memoirs are....but its the way the author puts in makes you absorbed into the story and girls, its a good book to go EMO. Whats with girls and their EMO-ness?Ans, thats what made em girls and mind you i just read the book like a book, not the kind of book that'll make me go all teary.....real life accounts are the soaps for me,sometimes,they're more of an inspiration,yeah they are. Try reading Tuesdays with Morrie, great great great book, one that Mr.Siva should read that, Morrie is really what you call a teacher.
And i proceeded to the second novel, Where Rainbows End.....nice way of writing a novel, fresh presentation, kinda funny too.
Ive nth else to blog abt, considering the fact that nth much happened, i cant believe this is coming from me but I WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!! Thats shittty, but sch is kinda fun WITHOUT(the "without" is higlighted,spot-lighted,underlined,bold) exams and studies. =D
Somehow, i grew fond of the word shitty.....darn cute.SHITTY!!!!
"The key essence to a love potion is brewing it with your heart,literally-Leginhet"
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Well, its just ppl are EMO-ing around me, bubbly ppl are turning soapy, all because of some love issues.Makes me wonder again whether, haih, nvm, sick of it.
Anyway, went to Genting yesterday, one day trip so that my dad can satisfy his craving for blackjack.I was reluctant to go in the first place but after some "persuading", im totally into it. What made me interested?You shouldn ask, trust me. =D.Window-shopped a lil at First World Plaza.
Came down and ate seafood.Yum!
1)Black Pepper Crabs
2)Oats Prawn
3)Scallops with XO Sauce
4)Shark's Skin Soup(yeah you got that right)
5)Fried Rice with Salted Fish.
Then, hmm, oh nth much bout today except the horrific brunch I had at a 'kopitiam'.
I realised Char Koay Teow and Kopi 'Peng' dont go together. They produce a sort of laxative effect and no prizes for guessing what happens next.
Comp-ed the whole day,bored,need a life.
"Rare is the one gets what he desires-Leginhet"
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Goddess on Earth

I've not been blogging for quite a while, not at the usual rate.
Rotting at home these days, like a trapped bird wanting to fly so bad, i wanna go for a vacation!
Anyway, spent my days online-ing and tv-ing. Things a sloth does but hey i can get used to being one.
Channel V is awesome!They aired ANTM's Cycle 3 again! Yup, there's KAHLEN!!!!! She's the beauty!
The finale was just breathtaking, Naima rocked it hard and Kahlen was just a goddess. I had to agree that Kahlen produced the best portfolio ever, her pictures are rivals to models in fashion mags.
Kahlen is all the good adjectives for a girl, well maybe except confidence but she's definitely my type of tea. *drools&nose bleeds* =P
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Bastards That Booked Their One Way Ticket to Hell
1)Rapist and sex offenders
2)Thieves and Robbers
3)Corrupted Gov Officers
5)Lying politicians
Besides that, ive a few questions and doubts.
1)Where was your conscience at that exact moment you commited the crime?
2)How did you get the guts to do that?
3)One extremely valid reason for doing it.
4)How are you gonna mend the pain and horror you caused to your victims?
5)For thieves, do you actually spend the kachings like your own without guilt?
Why do you want to earn money the hard way? You had a choice, in Msia almost everyone gets a chance to pursue education, but sadly you did not take the smooth path and chose the rocky road. Like i said, a job at Mcd's is good enough to earn you a decent meal everyday.In this global competitive world, its hard to live but it never gave you permission to take things that belong to others that actually worked hard for it.
"You Never Earned The Right to Take Other's Rights"
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wasnt That Smile Just A Smile?
Those were the times and well this post is for my buddy who's kinda tied up with issues, typical teenage issues.
You know, teenagers nowadays, its either probs with l.o.v.e, money or peers.
The prob with money is the variety of gadgets the market has to offer these days, and they're not at your bargain bin price.So teenagers find out all sorts of ways to get kachings by even unhealthy ways.Speaking as a teenager myself, i am too tempted by handphones, mp3's and all that.But i dont go over the board to get them, i know they'll come to me one day.
"Patience is a Virtue"
So next on the list is peers.Typical enough there are the backstabbing,gossiping stuff like that. Sometimes it can really affect a person, deeply or mildly, its just part of highschool. I mean what would highschool be without the cheerleaders, the populars, the nerds, the unknowns and the brains. There's this quote by someone i forgot but it kinda made sense
"To Find A Girl's Faults, Praise Her to Her Girl Friends"
And the highlight would be L.O.V.E, or should i say infatuation a.k.a. puppy love.But i do agree some really developed strong feelings for the opposite sex. You see parents and teachers mostly disagree when teenagers 'pak to'. The most common and abundant reason that comes from them is, "STUDIES FIRST, IF YOUR RELATIONSHIP FAILS, IT WILL AFFECT YOU BADLY". Well, Pn Monica strongly disagrees abt this issue for the same reason stated above. But lets not make it a stereotype thing can we? Not all of us gets affected badly do we? Maybe a mere 99%, haha? Think of it as a lesson we can learn from growing up, dont let your guard down just because some let it get into them so badly. But you see the thing goes like a cycle
Scene one: I love you, you love me, we love each other and expects it to be FOREVER
Scene two: I hate you, you're not what i expected, you are self centered bla bla
Scene three : This scene has 2 options
1) Im sorry, lets give it another try.
2)After this, Im not gonna fall in love anymore.
If they chose option (1), the cycle goes on
If they chose option(2), the cycle too goes on, why? Dont be dumb, feelings are the power-house of humans, its impossible to not get attracted. So in the teenage part of life, the cycle of love goes like this, even if you say u arent gonna fall in love anymore.
So after much crap, if you consider it as one, i dont mind.
Here's something that fits the title, wasnt that smile just a smile?
When we were young and innocent, we smiled and laugh at an average of god knows how many times a day.Life was so simple back then, a smile was just a smile. As we age, the smile turns into a bridge for us to gain something, to get a handphone we smile to our parents, and there is also that kinda "smile" from the populars to the unpopulars, and the smile to our going-to-last-forever partner.
Smiling requires so much muscles now huh? Well, its part of growing up aint it? Life has to get complex at a certain stage but the least and i repeat the least we can do is TRY. Try to smile from the heart, try to smile without trying to be someone your peers expected you to be, try to learn and let things go with the flow and back to the time when you were happy just being yourself. Obviously its easier said than done in times like this but hey remember the least you can do is TRY, right my friend?You know who you are.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Dedicated to Tan Sian Hoo
Haha,jkjk.Im blogging bout him fer 2 reasons
1)I dont have anything else to blog abt
2)He's a desperado
Stupid sex bomb! Lego head rocks!
Oh lets include his bio here
Name: Tan Sian Hoo
Age:16 and aging
School: SMKDJ
Job:Sex bomb aka PIMP, Watsons promoter
Hobbies: Bombing?!
Fucks, i dunno what to write.
Im blank considering the fact that its already 11.48pm
And i was made to do this, so make sure Sian Hoo, when you get ure bloody 600 bucks i get 10% of it.
Enjoy reading, oh shit, was i suppose to promote you?
No money no nice talk.
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
Friday, October 13, 2006
God Blessed The Broken Road-Rascal Flatts
Oh yea, Blogger sucked these days, takes a decade to load.So im gonna use my time now to the fullest,or not,lazy. =D
Our class, 3 Bal went to the National Science Centre yesterday because we were "told" to.But the porcupine clan got all bimbo-ish(as quoted by Pn Yip) and took pics,check it out at my friendster page.
Yeayea,the trip is boring, but whenever i try telling Pn Yip that, she'll ask me to read everything there and explain to her.Anyone knows how a Seismograph works?
Went to ou and caught a movie,John Tucker,bimbo movie for bimbos.Dressed in full uniform so we were banned from the arcade and pool,wtf.But i swear its gonna be the first and last time im goin out in a school uniform,uncomfortable!
Im feeling f***ing emo all of a sudden, PMS?!?!?Wth!!!
Dont feel like blogging anymore,gonna listen to my dear country music who always stand by me when i need em'........
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Makes Me Wanna Pray-Christina Aguilera
During the meeting, Audrey was mumbling and chanting stuff that I could barely hear.So i guess i was not involved in anything.Tsk.
After the meeting, decided to hang around with Sian Hoo,Gabryel and gang.Played a game of pool,trashed by Rabin,wtf he's good.Stomachs were grumbling and pleading to be filled with food so Sian Hoo,Violet and I went food hunting.On the way, we decided to catch a movie,Rob-B-Hood,so bought tickets.Then,Sian Hoo suggested Chilli's....great decision,only that we have no money,we wouldn want to end up scrubbing floors and washing dishes at Chilli's.Wanted to scrape some money out from Gabryel's pocket but it was a silly idea.
So end up at a mamak outside instead.Beside the mamak was a humongous drain,with plastic fishes swimming in it and has a 'therapeutic' effect on your appetite.Ate maggi goreng.After that,violet parted with us and accompanied Michelle shopping.We on the other hand,went to the arcade.Sian Hoo can actually dance!He went on the Para Para Paradise thnig.
At 3pm, went into the cinema and watched the movie.You guys should try it,damn hilarious.The baby is superbly cute and has the prettiest eyes ive ever seen.Violet suggested that i marry a Mat(not Mat Rempit) to get an offspring like that.
Movie ended at 5, rushed out to the washroom and emptied my bladder.I swore nature was calling so badly that my bladder could have exploded.Its sad because i restrain myself from laughing during the movie or else I'll urea the whole place.Sian Hoo left shortly because he was rushing to Midvalley,wtf.Two words that never existed in his vocabulary
But there's never a dull moment with him around, oh remember to give me a copy of your album when its done.Haha.So Vioelt and i loafed around till mum came.Then violet was following,something i did not know.Fine,let her!
Oh all things that should happen, the car broke down.Shit im stuck in a car with a worried mum,a frustrated pissed sis and a mad 'never-been-in-a-broke-down-car' cam whore.Fixed the car(the mechanic),and drove Violet home.
Reached home and comp-ed till midnite.Eyes were sore so went to sleep.Couldnt sleep, so went fantasizing(not what you think),then what did you know, i fell asleep.Peace.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Inside Your Heaven
Well, today was the first day of school after PMR and it was like the first time going to school.Im actually anticipated, well probably because you know going to school is just to kill time.
Chat with some ppl in class for a while and head off to the library for stock check.The worst experience you can gain as a librarian.Worked my heart out(solemnly swear) and got done with it, partially.
Went to pizza hut for lunch, had seafood lasagna and something caught my eye.Have you guys ever wondered something?
How did your mail arrive so fast using POSLAJU MALAYSIA?
Well, the "well portrayed" picture above shows a POSLAJU van crossing the road divider from one side to the opposite.The "q" for the traffic was really long so i guess they managed to uphold their principle of 'LAJU'. Wonder if i stand a chance to win 50 bucks if i snap a pic and send it to the STAR. Btw,the gov spend millions on campaign and some OPS SIKAP blabla, ironically, the gov servants are the one oblivious the the danger the pose on the road by doin that. Well, keep up the efforts, im sure your customers will be pleased to receive their mail without needing to wait for a long time.
After that, went home and played comp till 7pm.Eyes were hurting and sore,ouch!Then while watching tv, my younger sis and bro were throwing pillows all over until one slammed into my face.Another ouch!Told them to stop earlier but NO, so suffer the consequences, i took that same pillow and whack my bro.Too pissed.But, we both apologize to each other after that, i cant live with guilt, seriously felt bad for whacking his 10 times smaller body compared to mine.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Where Blogging is just Blogging!
Well, today ill elaborate on our 'fantastic' outing to 1u after PMR yesterday.
How fantastic you asked?Oh,it was suppose to be a big group but only four turned up.
The rest FFK.Haha, don't blame them actually, its mooncake festival.
"Family First, Bring Your Heart Home"
My family was suppose to drop by at our aunt's hse today for some 'steamboat', but i guess dad's kinda busy so bye bye food.
So as i was saying, yesterday's outing....well four members of the porcupine clan isnt that bad after all.
sound of 4 porcupines=sound of football fans in a stadium
and till this day i still dont get why we were labelled as porcupines.
Caught a movie, "You,Me and Dupree" movie,funny at times but can also be a sleeping pill.
Had a few games of pool, thrashed Violet at one game till Dinie came and thrashed me,wtf...i was winning =/.
Went to the arcade,noisy but we were focused on this 'spot the difference' game....kinda fun and addictive.After that, had coffee at Coffee Bean, chat bout Violet's non-suspenseful climax and draggy resolution story.
The day was kinda fun, but while we were walking Zhao to the taxi stand, there was this old lady selling pens. She begged the passer-bys' to buy from her, including Violet. She said she needed to sell the pens to eat dinner.We wanted to help but were kind of reluctant for some reasons.So, we decided to go home and pray for the poor lady.Well, i wanted to get her some food but she was gone after that.
The thing is, the culture in Malaysia in the 21st century is complicated and has gone through much evoulution. There was this mail online and the story was abt a lady who helped a lost child to find his way home. She found his home and the moment she pressed the doorbell she was electrocuted.When she woke up, she found out she was raped.
Was this suppose to happen to someone who was kind-hearted enough to offer help?It goes the same for the old lady, the pens that she sold were not your regular Kilometrico pens, they looked costly. People would do anything to get money nowadays and frauds are everywhere. Whether the old lady is for real or not, thats the first question that pops into our minds.Its being cautious actually.We are no longer the 'you show pitifulness-we help you' kind of people. If she was for real, then lets hope God opens a path for her, if she was a fraud, then maybe we should be thanking God for not letting us get fooled.
The point is, those f***ing frauds out there, be considerate! Just because of your stupid actions, you made yourself enter the headlines and cause people to be reluctant to help others. I think a 3 bucks an hour job at McD's can earn you a considerable decent 3 meals a day rather than you go tricking poor people out there.Heard of 'Kerana Nila Setitik, Rosak Susu Sebelanga'?..thats the effect of your stupidity.
Well, i've made my point, gtg ciaoz =D
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I Did My Waiting!
List of things i wanna do
1)Procrastinate all day long
2)Pursue some recipes to indulge in
3)Internet-ing 24/7
5)Pray i'll get straight a's
6)This is vital, GOOD SLEEP, something i never had since the hauntings of PMR
Gonna go 1U later, movie marathon, missed loads of blockbusters.Watching DOA later.
Frankly, i dunno what is ahead of me after PMR, its like since day 1 of f3 its all study....gotten too used to it till i have nothing left on my mind except STUDIES.
Since i've nothing left to say, let me end with the summary of the exam week
BM 1=This is a bummer.A legal assassin(is that how u spell it?).A killler sent by XXXXXXXXXXX(you cannot blog nething bad bout the gov).Oh God bless i get an A
BM2=Overall it was ok, but kinda worried bout sastera, wtf PERBANDINGAN WATAK UTAMA&SAMPINGAN
Kesannya=Killing me softly. Just gimme the A!!!
English 1&2=The paper was fairly easy,don't wanna get cocky so ill end here.
Science 1=This is a piece of cake if compared to DJ's paper.
Science 2=An all application paper, no rote learning.well its better to learn and apply than to learn and memorize.
Kesannya=Not a bad day but it can be better =D
Maths 1=It was way easier than DJ's paper.Hope i did well.
Maths 2=Also easier than trials, pray i dont make silly mistakes
Sej=A paper i was confident,which appears to be a bad thing for me because when im confident i dont read.Well hope the 2 mistakes are for real.
KH=Oh God, a subject i hate since the day i knew KH existed.F***ing boring, hope my best will get me the A
Friday=Last day=Today
Geo=Everyone keeps saying, "nigel, your geo dun need to study di la"........."92 study for what".......well let me tell u this, An A can also be a potential B(touch wood) if you dont continue your effort in maintaining the A.
Well alls well ends well, Santa, my best xmas present this year would be that big 7, you know how much i need it.... =D
Saturday, September 23, 2006
so i kind of editted the song lyrics of 'I Believe' by Fantasia Barrino for my fellow form 3's who will be sitting for their PMR, well as the saying goes
Genius is 1% aspiration and 99% perspiration
I hope this lyrics will inspire you to get that big 7!
P/s:If you listen to the song, the lyrics fits =D
Do you wanna reach the rainbow's end?
Do you want a pot of gold?
Ever claimed a shooting star
And tell me how high did you soar
If you feel like you were dreaming
Just to find that you're awake
It’s the effort that surrounds you
That lifts you up and guide you on your way
You can see it in the stars across the sky
Dreamt about it and you know you want it
Now you finally realize
That you’ve waited for 3 years, for this moment to arrive
And finally, oh, here it is, oh here it is
When you aim for the horizon
You see it never was that far
Ohhh NoHeaven knows your existence
And leads you to be everything you are
OhhhThere's a time for every form 3 to fly
It's in their eyes everytime
It's the hope, the wish that saves the day
And ohhh we should never let it go
You can see it in the stars across the sky
Dreamt about it and you know you want it
Now you finally realize
That you’ve waited all your life, for this moment to arrive
And finally yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
believe in the impossible
Overcome any obstacle
Won't let you’re A’s just fall apart
strive for the very best
Shine your light for all to see
Cause anything is possible
When you believe yeah
The Last?
PMR is nxt monday, can't say im not well prepared yet you can say i can do more. Im worried because im not worried,how pathetic!
I don't know what i wanna blog abt but yet the comp is somehow magnetised. its special, it doesnt attract iron or wtv, it attracts me....thats the bad thing fer having ure comp in the room that you study in.=D
This is a whole lot of f***ing crap,
Voice: Legin you've got to get ure hands off the keyboard and gobble down your history txt book.
Legin:But if i dont type, then you wont be able to tell me to get my hands off
Haha, just trying to find a reason for me to be on9 at this point.
PMR, do or die(thats what Pn Molly said)
Ppl might think its just a piece of cake or prob 'kacang putih', in my case its more than that.
Oh and i 'researched'(another reason to go on9 =D) on handphones i wanna get.
1) Samsung Ultra Edition 12.9(D900)
2)SE W900i
3)Nokia 6280
O.O, i really do like the Samsung but im clumsy and Samsung's not rock-hard =D
Ok, seriously gtg...gonna stop contradicting myself and get to work
Friday, September 15, 2006
Oh no, i forgot.....i've to love XOXO PMR =D
So nth much recently....except PMR is seriously closing by....16 DAyS....interesting fact
Oh the other day, two friends of mine were arguing over the fairness and unfairness of life.
Made me is life exactly fair for her and not him?
We were all born the same way but lead different lives, so some might think "LIFE AINT FAIR"....
Obviously life aint fair if you compare your life with someone chewing a silver spoon in his mouth.
In this ever- so- many- nice- gadgets century, we have the tendency to envy those who have what we dont.People used to be satisfied with just a bowl of rice evrday in the past but its definitely not gonna happen in this century.
But you see, the guy complains that his life aint fair while the girl gets all she unfair is his life far as i remembered, i see a roof above his head,a nice bed to lie on, 3 or more meals a day and has the opportunity to hang out at malls....Wow, talk abt unfairness.
On the other hand, the girl gets what she wants, money doesnt play much of a role here....she has all the guy has, just more...but she faces prob too, and complains life is unfair.
The similar thing is....they led this unfair life for 15 the saying goes, life is unfair, so live with it.
A piece of advice is, well some might not agree on this but...whenever u think life is unfair.....look at the lives of ppl who have the sky as their shelter, the floor as their beds and goin to a mall is like a leap to heaven....these things actually humans...same like us....we took so much time to complain how bad our lives are but never a second to think of the situation we'll face if we were in those unfortunate shoes....not many really bothers, even i dont know my purpose of posting this, but the letter to Seventeen Mag was touching....ppl as old as i am or probably younger are scrubbing the toilet floors just for something to fill their bellies.....
We hate our sej textbooks, i really do....but kids treat books like gold....So above them all, how unfair is life anyway?The girl complains her life is unfair while the guy thinks her life is fair and his is unfair and ppl in India thinks a life like the guy's is the life of a god.But the guy thinks his life is unfair when ppl actually think he's living like a,so a god's life is unfair?
If you strive for something achievable in your life, i dont think life is unfair to you.Don't ask for more than you can get, it'll just end up disappointing you. You choose the way u wanna lead your life, life doesnt choose it for you.
Legin Het.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
C'est La Vie
Your Deadly Sins |
Greed: 80% |
Envy: 60% |
Sloth: 60% |
Gluttony: 40% |
Pride: 40% |
Lust: 20% |
Wrath: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43% |
You will die love and feared by many. And you'll be buried in a tomb. |
They say life is like a wheel, sometimes you're above and sometimes you're hell low.
Trial exams results aren't what you'd call great, but c'est la vie.
Ahah, no im not posting my marks here.....too saddening.
But C'est la vie!!!!!
So PMR is closing by, i guess i should be chewing on the edges of my books unfortunately im just licking em.....the taste of books are horrible.
Can't wait till Oct 6 1/2.....then my independance will be declared.
Sorry M'sia, wasn't patriotic on your bday but spare me.... =D
Tempat: Anywhere after Oct 6
Masa: Anytime after Oct 6
Aktiviti yg dirancang: Karaoke di Red Box, Lepak di OU,Melekatkan mata 24/7 pada skrin komputer dan tv, Baring atas sofa dan menikmati 'junkfood' & segala aktiviti R&R.
Sorry for the lame post, i just cant get PMR outta my mind.
Yet, im still chillin'
Is that good or bad?
I think its goad(1/2good+1/2bad)
Oh yea, went for the district Geo quiz at SMKDD1 and ranked no.5
It aint that bad right?
The only bad thing is the place sucks.....offensive thing to say to a host school but sucks
The hall has 0.01% oxygen so you can barely breathe, the temperature is way above boiling point and that kinda condition,you still have to listen to EMO ppl reciting sajak(except the DJ representative who got 3rd place*congrats*) Honestly, their screeching high frequency and high pitched voice will blow your eardrums flat.
Well, all's well ends well.
Till then,
C'est La Vie
Your Deadly Sins |
Greed: 80% |
Envy: 60% |
Sloth: 60% |
Gluttony: 40% |
Pride: 40% |
Lust: 20% |
Wrath: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43% |
You will die love and feared by many. And you'll be buried in a tomb. |
They say life is like a wheel, sometimes you're above and sometimes you're hell low.
Trial exams results aren't what you'd call great, but c'est la vie.
Ahah, no im not posting my marks here.....too saddening.
But C'est la vie!!!!!
So PMR is closing by, i guess i should be chewing on the edges of my books unfortunately im just licking em.....the taste of books are horrible.
Can't wait till Oct 6 1/2.....then my independance will be declared.
Sorry M'sia, wasn't patriotic on your bday but spare me.... =D
Tempat: Anywhere after Oct 6
Masa: Anytime after Oct 6
Aktiviti yg dirancang: Karaoke di Red Box, Lepak di OU,Melekatkan mata 24/7 pada skrin komputer dan tv, Baring atas sofa dan menikmati 'junkfood' & segala aktiviti R&R.
Sorry for the lame post, i just cant get PMR outta my mind.
Yet, im still chillin'
Is that good or bad?
I think its goad(1/2good+1/2bad)
Oh yea, went for the district Geo quiz at SMKDD1 and ranked no.5
It aint that bad right?
The only bad thing is the place sucks.....offensive thing to say to a host school but sucks
The hall has 0.01% oxygen so you can barely breathe, the temperature is way above boiling point and that kinda condition,you still have to listen to EMO ppl reciting sajak(except the DJ representative who got 3rd place*congrats*) Honestly, their screeching high frequency and high pitched voice will blow your eardrums flat.
Well, all's well ends well.
Till then,
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Trials.....Do or Die(literally)
Ahah, its been a while since ive manage this whats happening in life now?
*before we proceed, those who claimed trials was a piece of cake or kacang putih, it is advisable to stop reading right now*
Day 1- was BM, i guess it was quite alright.....paper 2 was ok with the exception of the "isi-less" essay *cross fingers*
Overall:Holds no grudge againts it
Day 2- was Gerak Gempur Science.....the paper was pathetic. First of all, the English SUX. Secondly the questions does not make any sense at all....I can set a better paper....and the entire school will thank me.
Overall:As long as it scores me an A, dont mind it
Day 3-Gerak Gempur Maths.....Carelessness....Haih, just bless me
Overall:Just gimme an A
Day 4- KH Gerak Gempur+BI 1 and 2......KH was do-able considering the fact i did not read much of it....luck needed....=]....Eng on the other hand was satisfactory....But in the first place, I was like wtf is with the essay....nvm easy come easy goes.....and it went well i guess
Overall:Count your blessings
Day 5-BC+Science 1......Sleept the whole time through Chinese....Science was nerve wrecking at first but i guess it was ok....find it FAIRLY easy
Overall:A good day among the bad ones
Im tired so till then......
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Tagged Victim
1. Nigel
3.Zhao Wen
8.Soo Ern
10.Ee Lin
11.Tze Xian
12.Hwee Sann
13.Shzen Yee
16.En Kane
18.Jin Howe
19.Pn Monica
1.How did u meet 2(Violet)?
A:when i transfered to dj and sat beside her.....memories =]
2.What would you do if u never met 14(Samantha)?
A:I would never see the biggest b**bs for a f2.Jk.....same primary skl but grew closer when she was my junior....she shone!
3.What would you do if 12(Hwee Sann) and 5(Neal) dated?
A: I wouldn be surprised at all.....they will be discussing what they learnt at Futurekids....geek talk
4.Would 6(Zoe) and 17(michael) make a good couple?
A:She would drown Michael with gossips and TVB!
5.Describe 3(Zhao Wen)
A:Ok i will, if you'd get me a dictionary.....she fits all the adjectives in it =]
6.Do you think 8(Soo Ern) is attractive?
A:umm, yeah......sure thing
7.Tell me something bout 7 (Lemuel)
A:All hail the ruler of the LOL(Land of Lameness)
8.Do you know nething bout 13's(Shzen Yee) family?
A:Not much, but i know she has a pro dancer bro.
9.What is 15's(Boyce) fav?
A:Easy, basketball pro......teach me ure skills one day!
10.What would u do if 11(Tze Xian) confesses that she likes u?
A;I thought if a member of a family 'pak to' with another member is a taboo or smth.
11.What language does 15(En Kane) speak?
A:Boy from the Big Apple....he's fluent in eng.
12.Who is 9(Amanda) goin out with?
A:No one for now i guess......but she hopes for a perfect bf after a bad experience
13.How old is 18(Jin Howe)?
A:Same age as (1)
14.When was the last time u talked to 19(Pn Monica)?
A:Friday, during shift......she's the best teacher u can chat, gossip and crap with....
15.Who is 4's (Joanne) fav singer?
A:Uh.....i know her fav song,Unfaithful by Rihanna.Aha,BO BICE!
16.Would you date 10(Ee Lin)?
A:I'll consider after i break out of prison....inside joke.
17.Would you date 20(Audrey)?
A;She's pretty, she's smart.....but we're buddies.....
18.Is (1) single?
A:He is.......
19.What is 7's(Lemuel) last name?
A:Lame =]
20.Would you consider being in a relationship with 19(Pn Monica)?
A:She's taken.....years ago
21.What school did 3(Zhao Wen) go to?
A;Same like (1),SKTM
22.Where does 2(Violet) lives?
A:Right behind SMKDJ
23.What's your fav thing bout 5(Neal)?
A;My joker friend....nver a dull moment with him around
24.What dya think bout (1)?
A:He's nicee,cool,charming,classy,lame,funny.
25.What do 2(Violet) and 7(Lemuel) have in common?
A: Their lameness....
26.What special qualities does 17(Michael)hv in ure life?
A:He made me realise emotions are mysterious yet intriguing.
Im not tagging ne1....gtg
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Good Food Makes The World Goes Round
This part is considered boring because there are more interesting event coming up. Newayz, woke up early, raced the clock to school.Stupefied at school because Legin needed to do some ushering for VIP's.The arrival of the VIP's proves how the human race are divided into different classes, obviously they were of the higher class. Wished the a warm welcome and got it done in 1 min. Did i mention the 'high class' ppl came awfully late?Legin and Violet went to mamak after that,had some drinks then headed back to school.Met Brian and Justin on the way, so reversed our route and hello mamak again.
Interesting part
After Koku day ended, Legin and Violet went to Violet's hse. Changed attire and walked a few metres to Xian's hse.Violet wanted to ask her dad to drive there, she's not an environmental friendly person(REMINDER: Violet, conserve petrol,uphold and maintain the original state of the environment, which was already 'poisened' anyways.) Waited at Xian's hse.Then her mum fetched us to Sunway................................................................................................................................................(dont mind the dots).That's the boring part.'Kahwin lari-ed' with Violet to Sunway Pyramid. The interesting thing at pyramid was Violet breaking smth at Living Cabin,praise God because the thing she broke only costed 1.50.
Soon, we were back at the cafe, enjoyed the food offered.Yumm, heres what Legin ate:
Stir Fried Mussels
Various Assortments dipped in chocolate syrup
Sweet-tooth-only pastries and deserts.
Wild Mushroom Cream Soup.
Grilled Lamb Chop.
Spicy mutton and beef
Japanese delicacies
Ice cream topped with choco chips,coloured rice and choco syrup.
After indulging in the deelicious food, everyone caught the Posing-Camwhoring Fever. It was definitely lights,camera and POSERS. Joined Tiong Khoon,Yee Leong,Zhen Sern and Violet for some 'activity'.lol.Followed Violet home, Mr Lee Meng Lai(her dad), joker man that guy.
Got home, bored, so watched a movie on Star Movies.I think there's a new policy bout the movies causing quite a whole lot of scenes to be cut. Neways, watched Confessions of A *something*. Its bout this socialite woman(Jennifer Love Hewitt) chasing her dreams, climbing the ladder of success and she's a social animal. Its a bimbo movie that has designer labels, Jimmy Choo,Dior,Gucci,Chanel blabla. But the ending was nice.Funny movie yet kinda meaningful.=D.
till then,
Quote of the Day: Simplicity is Always at Its Best.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Time is just being lazy now,it doesnt fly, it teleports.
Pretty much nth.Last Kerjaya meeting was today, got a 'catalogue' with a whole list of scholarship offered by Aussie, UK and M'sia.
Woke up bloodily early. Cmon man, even the early birds were still sleeping soundly in their cozy nests. Legin reached school at bout....well....all he knows that its friggin early. Hop into the -10.62 degree Celcius van and head off to Tg.Karang,all the way up. Reached SMK Datu Harun at 8.15am.Legin had belanja-ed breakfast courtesy of Pn Yip.It only cost RM1++. Legin sat for the quiz, thinking that the quez were mediocre. Fascinatingly and amazingly, Legin and pals did not qualify for the finals.Uber disappointment(sorry Pn Yip).But believe it, Lester who actually got 98 marks for Geo did not raise the bar high enough so eventually Legin and pals sat there and watched the finals.Rawr.Got 2 hampers though =D.
Being too exhausted and outta fuel, Legin skipped school today.Woohoo.Good sleep was something Legin missed since the beginning of 2006. But had to wake up neways.Got to school, helped out with the preparations for Interact Installation 2006. A piece of advice to those who missed the performances, never attempt to watch it, its disastrous. So after the installation, Legin was waiting for Xiannie because she needed a ride home, while waiting, Legin(hebat) burned some time painting Unggul's banner.Legin is a traitor. Green sux anyways.
Lights,camera,action but NO hurried to the stadium and was told NO JEANS.Braindead!What to do?Nth, just wait for a few annoyed fellow students to argue over the matter and poof, there you go, JEANS ALLOWED. Why wouldnt it be?Oh, because the blue colour on the jeans is a deadly thing that'll kill anyone who is in the range of 50m.Wadever man.Watched the events, arse hurting bad, finally the Inter-house Cheer.They sucked compared to last year.
P/s: Students were made to sit under the blazing hot sun while waiting for the results to be announced.Tan Soo Ern toasted her sandwich under the sun.Yum, sun-toasted bread.
Boring day Legin had except for the part Pn Tan broke the glass table.It just cracks Legin up. Nolah, Legin is not so evil, he helped out.=D. Lunched at Noraini's, had fire hot super pedas curry noodles.Legin thought a good ice cold fizzy shandy would ease the spicyness but no it made it worse.Back for shift, typed the certs for f5's and the camp attendees. 2 cute things from the canteen migrated to the library and while Legin was entertaining the cute thing, Lemuel accused him of molestation.MJ he said.Went home, had a nap and went to tuition and finally home.
Legin is using his psychic powers to predict tomorrow's events:
1)Interactors ushering VIP's during Koku Day.
2)Librarians having a great time at Sun n' Surf Cafe, Sunway Lagoon Resort.
3)Legin himself being exhausted during BM tuition.
See Violet, told ya Im psychic.
Quote of the day: Motivation,Dedication and Vision are the vital ingredients for a success recipe.
Friday, July 14, 2006
14/7/06 is declared Tiring day.
After that, Legin was saliva-less because of too much 'lousy' promoting and went to get a drink. Reached the canteen and went to see Pn Sally, haha, she belanja-ed Legin,Violet and Zhao for a job well done. Legin got 4 bucks and spent two bucks buying mixed rice from mixed rice uncle . That guy is a joker man but he has two xtremely cute sons. I wanted to kidnap one but he said, "no need to kidnap, i can 'make' for you". Swt.
Legin continued promoting after recess and it lasted till the end of the day, which was 12.30. Thank God, it was damn tiring. Legin,Kenneth,Jin and some other guys helped the sweet ladies to pack up and there you go, everything done.
Had lunch at Pizza Hut.After lunch, Legin ran back to school for shift. Bla bla.......basically that's all for today.
Legin gotta run, ttfntatafernow.
P/s: The representatives from Doctorjob were refered to as 'sweet lady' because Legin forgot to ask for their names. =P.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Legin Is Back to Fear!
Legin made his effort to actually do revision but his effort was degraded to a word otherwise known as 'kiasu'. Ppl tell Legin this:
PPL: Legin i dunno you di la.
PPL(2): I Don't Like You.
Legin: Haihz, you might as well just 'suffer' until Oct 6 and enjoy your independance day till december.
Career Day is the next big event for Legin therefore he's kinda bz again, not to forget practice for Interact Installation(oh let the hand of friendship.........)Legin cant get that song outta his head because its an temporary addictive drug.
Oh yeah, trials are closing in, soon it'll just be ringing your doorbell, so just prepare yourselves, make your home comfy and invite em in. God bless Legin and the ppl.Bless em to pass with flying colours.P/s: God, pls put some nicee colours like pink and um blue oh and red plus some of black. Fly colours,FLY.
Legin gtg, BB.

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Its Booming!
Reached the station at the morning.Waited for Violet's 'someone special' to arrive from Subang.Fashionably(doubt that) late as usual.Wondered why he didnt run?
Boarding a car from subang: 80km/h
'Someone special' running from subang: 290km/h
So why didnt he run? Because he'll smell bad after sweating and the both of em will find it hard to do stuff they wanna do. Well you know how BO can affect mood. Legin and pals went to KL Central after that.A bunch went to dine at Mcd's and some went to a P-named cafe. Legin ate a plate of Garlic Mushroom Spagetthi and a glass of horrible freshly squeezed orange.Legin thought that they did not de-skin the orange peel because you can almost taste the bitterness.
Here's an equation to explain how it tasted
Chinese Herbal Medicine+Orange Juice= Secret Orange Juice Recipe of P-named cafe.
Headed two stations forward after breakfast. Board on STAR LRT but went a few stations forward because the girls were to absorbed into gossiping that they forgot what's happening. Legin wasnt into it with them(honestly) :P. Reached the stadium in the afternoon, saw some newcomers perform. Blitzerz were ok but their supporters were horrid. Waited a millenium for DYNAMITEZ to perform. Ahah, finally, the showdown, it was cool. This guy and girl assumed from Cheer All Stars were asking the Dynamitez supporters to say ' BOOM, Dynamitez BOOM BOOM.Dynamitez' And so Legin went a lil high.
Left early because Soo Ern needed to attend some sorta church function at Summit. Before boarding the train, all of them including Legin went over the board due to excessive sugar consumption. First they went sliding down the handrails of the staircase, then the cheer fever wasnt over yet, so they went well doing some gay cheer stunts and finally, posing like posers in the lrt. lol.
Legin ran out of fuel but he's still blogging now to keep the people update bout his life. What a nice guy. Well, so its time for Legin to say GOODNIGHT!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Its Primetime!
Then, the classes started to come in one by one to visit Legin's superior exhibition. Everything was suppose to be in order and neat but since the 'blp' librarians did not even bother to tidy up the place, Legin had to stress himself again to make sure his exhibition was perfect as there will be a school coming the next day. Oh yeah, Kington came and took some pictures of the superior exhibition too.
On Tuesday(today), the schools came. We sent a representative down to escort them to the library.They were late and when no one expected them to arrive, they arrive. Legin and Violet(wearing kimonos) sat on the tiled floor and greeted them when they entered the door.' Ohaiyo Kozaemaz', they said, and many replied with ' WHAT SHOULD I REPLY?'. Swt. Served them some local delicacies, 'kuih lapis MASIN' and 'kuih pulut'(Jap delicacies are too costly) and each a box of packet drink. Wonder whether they liked that horrible green tea?
Legin was sooo tired so he went in the office to loiter. The friggin expensive dry ice did not produce mist so we(Legin and Wei Ee) decided to give it a little kick in the butt, with a HAMMER OF DOOM(just an ordinary hammer but it sounds cooler that way). It did produce the mist it was sppose to produce ages ago but all of a sudden the bucket cracked due to extreme cold. Science, pengembangan apabila panas dan pengecutan apabila sejuk. Part of the room was wet,so Legin took a mop and well, mop it.Lol. Then he took a small cube of ice and played with it like a lil boy. Hey, it was fun, Legin is young at heart no matter how old he gets.
After school, Legin was sppose to rush home to prepare fer tuition but some naughty and persuasive pals of his convinced him to stay and have lunch at mamak. However, instead of mamak, it turned out to be the twice as expensive KFC. Legin at a box of chicken nuggets and a small box of popcorn chicken. After lunch, parted with Joanne and Neal and followed Violet to Kington's house. He was not in, so Legin and Violet decided to go back to school. Just a few walks from his gate, saw Kington walking home. And so, Legin and Violet ended up in his house. There was an Eng Cocker Spaniel which was super friendly but HORNY. It kisses ppl and licked Violet's butt. Cute, I like the way you do it, dawg.
Violet went online using Kington's comp and talked a whole lot of crap with Lynn, Mr Supermodel, RM ten guy and 'special person'.Violet totally forgot her purpose of coming but in the end,Pn Monica called her back.She hurried and took the choccies and left with just a mere piece of fudge.
Wth, is Legin blogging or writing an essay.There are more fun parts after this but sorry guys, the boring part of it took up all Legin's mood to blog. So that's all for now, ciaoz.
P/s:What a long and boring post.
Quote of the Day: Life is a Thin Sheet of Glass, Walk Cautiously.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A Joyfully Melancholic Day
He headed to school and reached at bout 7am++.Went to the library and started his career as a slave. Did the deco for MPS while others monkeyed around.As Legin was practicing anger management, he did not shout or scold the 'monkeys'. He knew they were good ppl. So its all work until 12 noon. Pn Monica assigned Marn Tsing to get us lunch so he bought roasted chicken rice. We were very very hungry and will just gobble down everything edible.
It was until 1pm when 'it' happened(check samantha's blog for more details), bad memories. Forget bout that, Violet came into the library to help the dancers with their makeup, and brought along someone special. That special person just kept smiling. He's basically your friendly,funny and cute boy-next-door. Didnt speak much to him, really busy. We went to the IU at the school's hall after that and well it wasnt as good as Legin expected. Dint really catch the drama and one of the band's really suck big time. There was an interval between the performances and we(me,soo ern and zhao) went to get something to fill our semi-hungry tummies.Wth, there was a train of humans lining up for food so we were lazy to join them. Got free food instead from good old David Tan(rotarian) and Zhao went puppy dog faced Swee Ing to get some drinks.
There was a comedian after the interval.Funny chap. Legin stood up, forcing himself againts his own will and went up to continue with the library's work.Sighs, missed the modelling performance and Lemuel's band.
Work and all work till 6.30 pm, went to the hall, Xian was panicking over her lost phone. Someone nasty stole it away. Tears fell from her eyes, sighs, pitiful. Legin helped Shzen Yee pack her stuff into her superbly small Hyundai but managed to fit her superbly large 'guzheng' in there. Bid the girls goodbye and walked to the canteen. Legin saw Violet and 'special person' doing something.Legin was too exhausted to even bother. Walked out the school and wait,wait and wait. Then they came out, Legin was introduced to 'special person'. The only thing Legin got to say to him, 'Hello' and 'Bye'. Legin and Violet went back to her house because we were having tuition at 8pm. Made a whole lot of noise and got scolded by teacher.Felt guilty...the tuition ended at 10pm.Legin was hungry so he ate his mummy's homemade springrolls. Then he went and bathe and now here he is, staring at the pc screen with his tired eyes. Thats almost all that happened today.So see yaall next time.Ciaoz.Oh btw, Legin learnt two lessons today because of two unfortunate and melancholic incidents.
1st lesson: Appreciate those standing by you at this moment because sometimes at the blink of an eye, things can change real fast.
2nd lesson: Take really good care of your valuables.
Quote of the Day: All endings are also beginnings, we just don't know it at the time.- The 5 People You Meet In Heaven
Friday, June 23, 2006
The Deadly Epidemic of 3 Balau on the 23/6/06
An 'unlucky' fellow named Legin Het caught that deadly disease but forced himself out of bed due to his hardworking nature. He woke up at 9am and took a bath, soaping himself to freshen up. Then he made his way to his friend Violet Lee's house to 'work' on a History project. He ended up in her room with 3 other vain chicks putting on eye-liner, mascara and eyeshadow.All of them felt their stomachs grumbling like a thunderstorm and took of to a nearby 'mamak' which is very popular among DJianz. You get to see every type of human over there, from the smoke producing type to the 'ah lians'.
He ate a plate of Maggi Mee Goreng and had a glass of iced lemon tea. After breakfast, the whole gang went for a stroll in Atria. Oh before that, they went into a mag shop and got an issue of Seventeen. Everyone is encouraged to purchase this month's issue as there is a hot chick wearing a blouse,tie and a very short hips revealing pants. The girls then went window shopping from shop to shop and Legin became the fashion consultant. They visited Network Clothing and Legin tried on a few button-ups and slacks chosen by Violet. Legin looked awesome, as always.
Background voice: Someone is self obsessed!
Then, they headed back to Violet's house. They 3 girls left quite soon because they had to run some errands. Legin was forced to stay back by Violet to prepare lunch for dear Pn Monica and a whole lot of hungry man-eating barbarians. So they decided to cook some spagetti topped with x-tra sour ketchup. Went to the library after that and got nagged by the stressed up teacher. Did some preparations for the upcoming Resource Centre Week. She's not the only one stressed up, Legin was too. Worked till 4.30pm and went home.Tiring it was.
Reached home, Legin watched 8TV. Almost fell asleep on the sofa,extreme tiredness. Took a bath and prepared for tuition. Had dinner, went to tuition and came home. Legin then watched HBO that broadcasted Legally Blonde 2. Legin was blogging at 12.35pm and his eyes are closing soon. So he's gonna bid yaall good night.
Quote of The Day: An Honest Voice Speaks Louder than A Crowd of Hypocrytes.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Busy,Hectic and Packed
'All I Want For Xmas is Koperasi'
Suddenly the xmas mood is just living in me. Maybe its becoz of the song 'all i want for xmas is you'. Nice song. Haha, the best pic was Winnie's.She drew a 'lady' sitting on the rooftop of our school building while "throwing" cash all over. A simple painting with a deep meaning. The best thing was I skipped all the lessons after recess because I needed to 'invigilate' some manga drawing competition. Amazed by how the people can actually draw pretty goo goo eyes figures and fiery dragons. I cant even draw an eye. Anyway, Zhao entered the competition and well hers was......ok. She stands a chance of winning. So the bell rang and I headed straight to the library to sit for some qualification test for geography. I was starving, so i guess my brain starved along resulted in me shooting 1/2 the paper. Screw the paper anyways.
Oh and I found out i got no.10 in class. Shocking but glad.10 isnt that bad right? Some even complained when they got 4th.Damn swt.Went to delifrance for lunch today.We're frequent customers there so they lady gave us a bigger Goodbye KFC, i found a new diner. After lunch, rushed back for Interact meeting.Ran at Mach 2 speed and when i reached the place someone told me it ended.Grr.Well at least carbs were burnt after rushing to school. A storm brewed after that with heavy showers and lightning. Damn cold, so went to the hall and watch the badminton players in action. Went home at 4 o clock.Watch tv, bathe, computer,homework,and now computer again. Till then, ciaoz.
P/S:Ppl pray that MPS will be a sucess so that we dont lose face.You'll earn a place in heaven by doing us this good deed.Lol, crappin, too stressed over MPS.