Sunday, December 13, 2009

Riding Low When the Tide's High

Tidbits: You know somehow I figure that successful blogs are those that satiate the LOA compulsion which explains why my blog is a failure. Yes, excuses.

College life is officially over and I'm bittersweet about it. I don't think I miss it a lot (especially all the ruckus) but a great deal was learnt throughout the past 18 months. Something feels amiss though. It's the sensible (or senseless) feeling that makes everything feel out of place. Because I had things to accomplish, goals to achieve and direction to head towards in the past, the newly attained freedom is awkward. I always have these big 'after exams' plan and funnily they always seem to achievable when I'm reading the textbooks. The ambitious mind just dies off after that and you begin slacking (with calories in between). Life needs to break out of this dull cycle and I guess I'm the playwright who determines just that. Damn, all these is just too deep for laziness mode. Think less, act more.

I'm going to compose a story now. Feeling the itch of writing.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Keep the Pace!

Tidbits: Sometimes self-help can only last so long. I need a Morrie.

I'm going to be honest- I have absolutely no good-worthreading-KennySia material to blog about. Everything seems very empty right now, my brain included. This is what you call being burnt out and in a state of ashes. I think this blog will turn into those typical 73642387 emo blogs you find on the net very soon.
No, I'll not allow that to happen. That's frankly a lifeless thing to do. It's very "Nigel's blog archives of 2006/2007".

And btw, doesn't the word '
delirium' sound dreamy? It's like the Patrick Dempsey of the vocabulary world, McDreamy, no?. Delirium. Delirious. Yes, I'm might be somewhat close to that. I think I'll be happier to see the world in a delusional manner. So, I Googled (actually Yahoo!ed, oh well for formality's sake) 'delirious' hoping to stumble upon a lunatic photo. All the pictures I see are those belonging to some gospel band called Delirious. Okay, so I'm not that bad since even gospel singers need help.

Moving on at the speed of light. A word of advice: Don't marry an economist.
They're definitely not Shakespeare material, so don't expect showers of sonnets and love scripts. Let me give you an analogy. It's almost like MLTR being economists singing Paint My Love and the MV has illustrations of graphs. I'm making this sweeping statement, and we all have my economics lecturer to thank. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love her though I think she'll probably draw a graph of my affections and find the equilibrium point where I'll love her enough to do anything for her.
One of the biggest regret of my life: Taking economics.
One of the smartest thing I've done in my life: Taking economics.

My current life mission (with respect to the time of writing this entry) is
#1: To find my earphones. Losing things is one of my biggest pet peeves. I honestly hate losing things. What pains it even more is that I have conditioned myself to be extra (and believe me, I have) careful, so when these things happen it basically sucks. I even make an effort to check back twice at minimum at any place that I've sat down before making a move everytime it's on the brink of OCD. Then again, I know it's in
A Place Called Here.

#2: Run. Yes, physically using my legs, not the running away from problems kind. About time to give the gluteus maximus a cry too. I think it's a good way to destress. A serene park with yellow autuum leaves and a large pristine lake in the middle would be swell. Alternatively, a more realistic choice would be a garbage and noise filled Malaysian park. Swell.

I think I need to continue writing for a fine escapade from the craziness. It's a blessing to be able to get lost entirely in your thoughts. It's the only place where you can yell "I'm king of the world!" without having a bird fly past your head and leave it's mark.

Okay, time to stop this delirium. FML.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Have A Little Faith

Personally, I always wondered about authors and celebrities who loudly declared there was no God. It was usually when they were healthy and popular and being listened to by crowds. What happens, I wondered, in the quiet moments before death? By then, they have lost the stage, the world moved on. If suddenly, in their last gasping moments, through fear, a vision, a late enlightenment, they changed their minds about God, who would know?

Most religions warn against war, yet more wars have been fought over religion then perhaps anything else. Christians have killed Jews, Jews have killed Muslims, Muslims have killed Hindus, Hindus have killed Buddhists, Catholics have killed Protestants, Orthodox have killed pagans, and you could run that list backward and sideways and it would still be true. War never stops; it only pauses.

I asked the Reb if, over the years, he had changed his view on war and violence.
"Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?" he asked.
" So you know Abraham realized those people were bad. He knew they were miserable, vicious. But what else does he do? He argues with God against destroying the cities. He says, Can you at least spare them if there are fifty good people there? God says okay. Then he goes down to forty, then thirty. He knows there aren't that many. He bargains all the way down to ten before he closes the deal."
And they still fell short, I said.
"And they still fell short, " the Reb confirmed. "But you see? Abraham's instincts were correct. You must first argue against warfare, against violence and destruction, because these are not normal ways of living."

But so many people wage wars in God's name.
"Mitch, " the Reb said, "God does not want such killing to go on."
Then why hasn't it stopped?
He lifted his eyebrows.
"Because man does."

I flipped through the pages and out fell three small black-and-white photos, faded and smudged with dirt. One was of an older dark-haired woman, Arabic and matronly looking. One was of a moustached younger Arabic man in a suit and tie. The last photo was of two children, side by side, presumably a brother and sister.
Who are they, I asked.
"I don't know," he said, softly.
He held out his hand and I gave him the photo of the children.
"Over the years, I kept seeing these kids, the mother, her son. That's why I never threw the book away. I felt I had to keep them alive somehow. "I thought maybe someday someone would look at the pictures, say they knew the family, and return them to the survivors. But I'm running out of time."
He handed me the photo back.
Wait, I said. I don't understand. From your religious viewpoint, these people were the enemy.
His voice grew angry.
"Enemy schemenemy." he said. "This was a family."

Soon we tumbled into the most fundamental debate. How can different religions coexist? If one faith believes one thing, and another believe something else, how can they both be correct? And does one religion have the right-or even the obligation-to try and convert the other?

Is there any winning a religious argument? Whose God is better than whose? Who got the Bible right or wrong? I preferred figures like Rajchandra, the Indian poet who influenced Gandhi by teaching that no religion was superior because they brought all people closer to God; or Gandhi himself, who would break fast with Hindu prayers, Muslim quotations, or a Christian hymn.

"Ask yourself, 'Why did God create but one man?' " the Reb said, wagging a finger. "Why if he meant for there to be faiths bickering with each other, didn't he create that from the start? He created trees, right? Not one tree, countless trees. Why not the same with man?

"Because we are all from that one man-and all from that one God. That's the message."
Then why, I asked, is the world so fractured?
"Well, you can look at it this way. Would you want the world to all look alike? No. The genius of life is its variety.

"Even in our own faith, we have questions and answers, interpretations, debates. In Christianity, in Catholicism, in other faiths, the same thing-debates, interpretations. That is the beauty. It's like being a musician. If you found the note, and you keep hitting the note all the time, you would go nuts. It's the blending of the different notes that makes the music."

The music of what?

"Of believing in something bigger than yourself."
But what if other faith won't recognise yours? Or wants you dead for it?

"That is not faith. That is hate." He sighed. "And if you ask me, God sits up there and cries when this happens."

How can you-a cleric- be so open minded? I asked.

"Look. I know what I believe. It's in my soul. But I constantly tell our people: you should be convinced of the authenticity of what you have, but you must also be humble enough to say that we don't know everything. And since we don't know everything, we must accept that another person may belief something else."

He sighed.
"I am not being original here, Mitch. Most religions teach us to love our neighbour."
I thought about how much I admired him at that moment. How he never, even in private, even in old age, tried to bully another belief, or bad-mouth someone else's devotion. And I realized I should've been more proud, less intimidated. I shouldn't have bitten my tongue. If the only thing wrong with Moses is that he's not yours; if the only thing wrong with Jesus is that he's not yours; if the only thing wrong with mosques, Lent, chanting, Mecca, Buddha, confession, or reincarnation is that they're not yours-well, maybe the problem is you.

What if you get only five minutes with God?
"Five minutes?" he said.
Five minutes, I said. God is a busy God. Here's your slice of heaven. Five minutes alone with the Lord and then, poof, on you go to whatever happens next.
"And in those five minutes?" he asked, intrigued.
In those five minutes, you can ask anything you want.

"First, I would say, 'Do me a favour, God in heaven, if you can, members of my family who need help, please show them the way on earth. Guide them a little."
Okay, that's a minute.
"The next three minutes, I'd say, 'Lord, give these to someone who is suffering and requires your love and counsel."
You'd give up three minutes?
"If someone truly needs it, yes."
Okay, I said. That still leaves you a minute.

"All right. In that final minute, I would say, 'Look, Lord, I've done X amount of good stuff on earth. I've tried to follow your teachings and to pass them on. I have loved my family. I've been part of a community. And I have been, I think, fairly good to people.
"So, Heavenly Father, for all this, what is my reward?"

And what do you think God will say?
He smiled.
"He'll say, 'Reward? What reward? That's what you were supposed to do!"
I laughed and he laughed, and he bounced his palms on his thighs and our noise filled the house. And I think, at that moment, we could have been anywhere, anybody, any culture, any faith- a teacher and a student exploring what life is all about and delighting in the discovery.

In the beginning, there was a question. In the end, the question gets answered. God sings, we hum along, and there are many melodies, but it's all one song-one same, wonderful human song.

I am in love with hope.

Have A Little Faith- Mitch Albom

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hellooo Again!

Tidbits: To know the height of a blog's fame, one must examine the cbox. If there is spam, you're famous!

I know I've been MIA for quite some time. I think people could use a break from me. I could use a break from myself =/

I am doing this just to convince myself that I've not abandoned my blog. Apparently, posting this makes not much of a difference.

I'm lost for words. The writer has a mental block.

So, ciao!


Saturday, September 05, 2009

Crime Does Texas.

Tidbits: Just when I thought my blogging mojo is gone, I stumbled upon a rather blog-worthy article. Such is life, isn't it? Always surprising.

As time passes, old things are generally replaced by the new. Nothing goes unescaped-even wise sayings like "Crime Does Not Pay." Because NOW, it actually does..and pays pretty well too. How well? Hmm, a million USD seems to be well enough for the average Tom, Dick, Harry and Nigel.

Okay, fine! Crime does not pay at all, at least not if you really rape someone, kill a baby or rob an old lady. But what if you were falsely accused of something you did not commit? There will be two possible scenarios.

#1 : You get the death sentence and can forget about making millions.
#2 : You go behind bars and pray for a long long long long sentence and a longer life.

"Exonerees will get $80,000 for each year they spent behind bars. The compensation also includes lifetime annuity payments that for most of the wrongly convicted are worth between $40,000 and $50,000 a year — making it by far the nation's most generous package."

In case you don't know what exonerees are, they are people who are exonerated. Make sense, no?
Okay, in other words, these people are those who are cleared from accusations and blame.

"Besides the lump sum and the monthly annuity payments, the bill includes 120 hours of paid tuition at a public college. It also gives exonerees an additional $25,000 for each year they spent on parole or as registered sex offenders."

No better and easier way to pay for college, eh?

In a way, I think we should count our blessings that cases like these only happen in the U.S. Imagine having such a system in Malaysia. People would be lining up to be sued for all the snatch theft cases on the street I tell you. You think they wouldn't?

Hey, the people we are talking about are people who take 100 pencils at Ikea when there's a humble note saying "Save the environment and PLEASE TAKE ONE ONLY." Oh yes, and not to mention buying a large cup of Coke from McDonalds', share among five and then get countless refills.

Sometimes I am impressed by the economical ways in which we live. Maybe this is why we are rather recession-proof compared to many other countries.

Now, to Google 'Unsolved Crimes in Texas' and make a choice. What do you think? Rape, murder, robbery or money laundering?

I'm on my way to making my millions.

Disclaimer: The blogger shall not be held responsible for the significant increase of crime rates.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

And Then It's Down to One

Tidbits: I still cannot believe I'm hooked onto Barn Buddy and Happy Farm. It's such a kiddy thing. It's childish and inanimate. It's

As I'm standing here looking down the final phase of the journey of my college education, I cannot help but steal occasional (okay, maybe frequent) looks at what was behind me. Everytime I do that, I see something to be treasured. Something that gives me fulfillment. Something you call....HOLIDAYS. Sob sob.

Okay, life has to go on.

Hewood. Hewood. Hewood.

Ignore that.

I've got nothing interesting to write about. Politics bore me to the bones these days. I don't know wtf is wrong with MCA but there's something wrong. Well, wasn't there always a problem?

I'm taking Economics this semester. I hope it would not be that much of a problem, but it's quite terrifying when your lecturer says that the subject is an unemotional one. Never mind that, economists aren't very human anyway. Psychology should be interesting, it's more...emotional.

I've got nothing else to say, and kicking myself in the butt for it. What happened to my mojo, I dunno.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh Yeah, Baby!

I'm off to find a nice bitch beach!
Ciao bella!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Am Lovin' It.

Tidbits: Life in a nutshell: We all start and end in diapers. True, no? I'm speaking ideally, forget reality. Don't burst by bubble. Thank you.

My second semester had finally ended and I would be more than thankful not to be questioned about my performance. Not that I did badly-I just think I deserve to enjoy my break without much unwanted thoughts. Live now and worry later or die worrying. Peace.

My entries are getting less specific. It's no longer narrowed down into something particular or precise. Just how? Well, I think I now talk truckloads of bullshit to generate enough biomass energy to power a continent. Such exaggeration. For example, I've always wanted to say this....

Our new fifty ringgit note reminds me a lot of the Hell Bank Note.

Is hell really the direction our country is heading towards?

No! Not yet! Not before I get to savour Penang's Duck Egg Char Kuey Teow. Yes, food is probably the only reason why I love my country. Kidding.


Trends, as you know, can get more quirky and weird than Marilyn Manson and Perez Hilton combined. The men corsets by Gaultier is just off the hook and Prada's thigh-high boots are cool, but probably only Lady Gaga can pull it off. That aside. Now, theoretically speaking, potbellies are the hottest thing in town (well, in Brooklyn at least.) I think metrosexuals can all choose to die now. At least they die beautifully. Just imagine having a belly that could give pregnant ladies a run for their money on the runways next season. After that all the males in the world would start emulating the trend and ditch the gym for McDonalds.

Well, that would never happen anyway. Unless Giorgio Armani had nervous breakdown and cast these Brooklyn men for his shows. I wouldn't mind it though. It's about time the muscle man trend come to an end.


G.I. Joe was a pretty entertaining movie to watch. Totally worth the 11 bucks spent (But, Cathay I still want to know why I didn't get the 6 bucks early bird price even when I watched the morning show.) It's a guy's kind of movie. With the piu piu piu bang bang bang boom boom boom. With this movie, Transformers can go to hell with our country. Political satire, failed.

Okay, doing this entry just wasted an hour of my life. I think this post really matches my title. Whimsical, Risque and Enfant Terrible. So childish. I like. Whee! I sound like Anabel now.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Oh Yes. Yes.

Tidbits: Three exams in a day. What could be worse? Now don't you dare tell me four.

Aficionado of Life lasted barely two weeks. Guess I wasn't that much of a fan.

Well, the new one sounds more creative, doesn't it? So obnoxious. Haha, like my alter ego. Also, like the world we are in.

As the saying goes, some people just never grow up. *cough* Politicians *cough*

Life is just more colourful when we look at it the kids' way. Yeah, life in technicolour. Never let the kid in you die. Ah yes, 18 forever. (Right, Wordsworthfan?)

*In the kiddiest tone ever*

Oh God, I don't wish for many things this Xmas coming Hungry Ghost Festival (Sorry, it's the closest festival I could think of besides Independence Day)

I just want to be happy. Hahaha.


don't let CTS drive me nuts.

That's all.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Tidbits: Life is a series of pulls back and forth

There's a known sense of familiarity living the moment.
This feeling.
Foreign, but familiar.

Could it be a relapse?
A repeat worthy of the devil's sneer.
When you fall prey into the envious fire burning within.
Seize, see and feel.
How grief is masked by illiterate temptations.
Stop and stare.
See the dainty choice to free thyself from mindless exploit.
The fulmination of repute.

Stop. Stop.

Thou shalt not waltz the circular dance of emotions once again.
Release. Not rewind.

Yet I'm only human.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Racing Till The End of the Tunnel

Tidbits: Gossiping is like building castles in the air. Silly, has no basis yet people enjoy it because everyone wants to live in a castle in the air. Talk about fairytales.

I think I'm in my I-Need-to-Go-to-Prague mood again. There are lots of things to think about (or at least I make myself think about) that I have this little wish to be Dr. Frankenstein's next experiment. Here, take my brains!

But it's really kind of ironic. If you've noticed the change in my blog's title, it's no longer "Self Service". Yes, The Aficionado of Life- passion, energy, positivity and everything good in life. Haha, this sounds like some concoction to make the Powerpuff Girls. Yes, and I shall not allow myself to be shifted to the dark side. Life is good. Now, can I have my brains back?

Such invasion of privacy.

Anyway, aficionado(uh-fish-yuh-nah-doh) is Spanish. Why aficionado? Because French is over rated. I mean 'enthousiaste' looks like the spelling of a person who didn't even make it through pre-school, or some reject from 'Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?'


I don't think I'll be updating much until my final exam ends. Nothing much to talk about anyway. The death of the Teoh dude doesn't entice me to write anything at all. After Altantuya, are there even any elements of surprise left? Tsk, political play. What goes behind closed doors? Nobody really knows. Though I always had the impression that skeletons were behind closed doors. Hehehe.

Oh yes! Primary school libraries have really lousy book filtering systems. My 9 year old brother borrowed some book with the title,

Yes, you can go wtf now. What could be worse? Ah, nothing much...except that the whole book uses darn Rempit language.

And here we are trying to reduce teenage pregnancies.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reptile Mania and its Maniacs

Tidbits: Sometimes life can become too much too handle. My current philosophy in life- laugh it all away. Simple really, once you get past the part that prevents you from actually doing it.

Fashion is love. Admit it, what was once a female dominion has beCUM (yes, I just have to) a universal appeal. Fashion today stretches out to an entirely new level which encompasses the females, males and inthemiddles.

Psychology might come first as a day job, but the passion for fashion makes me want to take on a night freelance job. Fashion photography to be precise.

What do you see here?

I see a story.

Probably the only reason I could talk myself into getting an SLR that had caused me to cremate my wallet and puncture my bank account is simply passion. The influence of good photographs is beyond imagination. A simple photo can evoke a unique emotion; the exact one that prompted you to take the photo in the first place, and that emotion equates satisfaction. The bottom line is- photos have the ability to bring you back to a certain place and time that brings meaning in life. It's a time machine that tells a beautiful story to you by simply looking at it.

I'm still learning.

Anyway, all that talk is besides the point. The purpose of typing at this hour of the night is just to voice out my personal(keyword) opinion against.......

Yes. This thingamajingy.

Forget that people actually pay huge amounts for these babies. That's not the point. It's not even chic to start with. It only proves that people are excellent preys of the excellent American marketing predators since it only takes one idiot less-bright person to wear it and the whole world has rubber crocodiles on their feet. I don't mind paying if it is much much MUCH cheaper and made of leather of course. Honestly, I'd rather spend the money on a different kind of rubber. =D

So what if those holes are supposed to do something good. You never know if those factory workers go miniminimynimo whichpartshouldipokeaholein. Nevertheless, it's good to know that the company is in debt. The fashion world will say grace. Amen.

Oh yes, and do tell me the difference between the original Crocs and their cousins(presumably called Alligators) that you can get off 10bucks at the night market. Seems the same to me. Still rubber.

I don't know what I've against these things, but all I know is they don't look good. Maybe acceptable on kids, but never on adults.

Well, what can I say? Some people never grow up.

Fashion has this weird obsession for reptiles.

Take Lacoste for example. Get a plain coloured Polo and stamp a crocodile logo on it. Poof! Retails for 300 bucks.

Crazy? People even name a clothes label "Crocodile". Let's not even get to the have-to-sell-your-arms-and-legs Hermes Birkin bags. Poor crocs(as in the reptile ones, not the rubber ones. I don't feel sorry at all for what's happening to the rubber ones).

I should do something about it. Maybe it's time we market a different animal....

A monkey perhaps?
Oh no wait! Paul Frank has already done that.
Note: When you have stackloads of assignments to complete, you really turn monkey. Well, at least being monkey gives me blogging mojo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Back to Square One

Tidbits: Okay, that's one too many Cayennes in a week. Whatever happened to economic downturn? These Cayennes are making my Ol Faithful feel so inferior.

Yes, I do realise that this blog lacks as much juice as it used to have. I think in due time I'll have to pack up and say adios. Now, readers beg me.

Anyway, I think there's a topic which serves terribly well as our food for thought this week. As everyone may have already known

Science and Mathematics is now back to Sains dan Matematik.

Some may be crying their hearts out cursing the Malaysian education system (as usual), but some may be jumping for joy that 'hypothesis' is now back to 'hipotesis' (hee-po-tee-sees). Say it with me now. The worst part of this over-stretched debate is the argument that "students will forget our national language if these subjects are taught in English". Thus, it really does make you wonder what our students are doing in school. There's such a subject called "Bahasa Malaysia" being taught back in the robot-manufacturing plant we call government schools right? Well, we shall just sit back and watch how our future students get laughed at by the British people when our students mention 'hipotesis' (hee-po-tee-sees). Say it with me again!!

On an entirely unrelated note, the word 'cum' is completely logical and does not harbour any other dirtier different meaning.

\ˈku̇m, ˈkəm\
Latin, with; akin to Latin com- — more at
circa 1869
: along with being :
and —used to form usually hyphenated phrases

Don't ask me why I bother defining it. You should see the expression on peoples' faces when they read the word. Worse than winning ToTo.

And this is basically what I've been doing with my life- murdering aristocrats.

Laugh should you get my point. =)

Don't ask. Seriously. I'm that miserable.

Sometimes I think I should just leave all this insanity and go sweep the streets in Prague. At least it's more beautiful there and I'll be hopefully happier. Ah, the ideosyncrasy of life.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Moving Train Never Stops

Tidbits: Four celebrities gone in a day. The King of Pop, a former Charlie's Angel, a veteran HK actor and an unknown Korean. Talk about bad luck.

Death is and has always been a difficult topic for many of us to bring to voice. There's a certain awkwardness that arises everytime we speak of death probably because it is universal, and each one of us read our lives into death. Everyone relates to death in one way or another; the loss of a loved one, a friend or even someone we do not know personally. Death seems like the ultimate thief; it takes away those whom we all treasure, and it leaves us in the utmost despair of helplessness. To understand death, we have to understand life. Life is very much like a moving train- its fuel the breath you take, and each one of our trains lead different tracks and stop at different stations. A good piece of advice; nothing is permanent. Every vehicle will run out of fuel and shall find reach its final station.

Death takes many different images in our lives, but how we look at it never changes. We all succumb to the same thought- "What would've or could've been?". Because death does not have a scent, nor does it take sight, it strikes in the most unlikely hour and takes us by surprise. Death forces us to not just see things, but to look at them, to look at them closely. The things we will overlook if death does not come to our doorstep. The question we all need an answer to; must we learn to look only when something as big as death is posed right in front of our eyes? Funny how everything else that we've worked for seem insignificant when death proceeds. Love, money, fame and almost everything does not measure up by then. The most cruel thing death does to a person is robbing everything away from him but leaving the stories behind. Stories that must be continued, only in a non-verbal manner. These stories are how we all find ourselves in the same place and asking the same question "What would or could've been?". When the main character of the story is gone, we read it and realise the gaps that weren't filled with elements that would've made it a fairytale. Truth is, death isn't the end of the story. Death is a beginning of a whole new chapter in the same story, we just find ourselves unable to move on. Most beginnings are simple, only this time we're forced to start on a different note. We've all questioned ourselves about life after death has happened. The chapters that follow death, a blissful read or not, depends on how we look at the death chapter.
Each chapter is a parable that is authored by experiences and emotions. Death is the experience of being in the dark and the emotion of being afraid. It has such a strong influence to keep us in the dark. To see the light again, it takes courage to step out of the darkness and most importantly the courage to believe again. There is a need to know that death takes so many things away, but it doesn't take away hope. It dampens hope; it doesn't kill hope. To hope again is hard, but not impossible because hope is what we all have since the beginning. If one is able to do this, he'll see himself in a whole new light. The changes that were brought upon by death are blessings in disguise. The whole point is not about death; it's about life. Ultimately, life is the main idea, and death being a small segment of it. To live is one of the rarest things in the world; most of us exist, that is all. As said, your life is a moving train. Don't let it wander aimlessly or merely exist. Steer it well to the final station. Realise and live.
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
"When you learn how to die, you learn how to live."
"Don't let go too soon but, but don't hang on too long."
- Morrie Schwartz

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rumble and Tumble.

Tidbits: Currently in front of the laptop with my Critical Thinking Skills textbook beside me. No prizes for guessing which one I chose. What a no-brainer.

Never mind, I shall do my revision here.
I present to you,

The Strategies for Avoiding Fallacies!
In case you don't know, fallacies are arguments that appear right at first but upon a deeper look, it is not. (i remembered! so proud of myself)

Strategy #1 : Know Yourself
Knowing yourself allows you to identify which fallacy you're most likely to fall for and makes it easier to avoid it. For example, Nigel knows he is so verbal-linguistically intelligent he commits the fallacy of Begging the Question. In layman's term- beating around the bush. Therefore, from now onwards I will just call you stupid when I think you are instead of going in circles (I wonder how many marks I'll get if I use this example in my exam). Besides, I think the 'in your face' thing is getting hip. Everything's directed right at ya.

Strategy#2 : Build Your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Having a high self-esteem will definitely help you to avoid the Popular Appeal Fallacy. Example, everyone thinks Megan Fox is hot and forms a cult worshipping her. The moment someone says she's actually a man, everyone goes eeewww. Conformity at its best.

Strategy#3 : Cultivate Good Listening Skills
Having good listening skills allow you to be respectful of other people's views and identify fallacies when there is a conflict in opinions. Well, the listening skill is something I pride myself upon. Those bunch of monkey librarians in SMKDJ are hopefully taking heed of my advice.

Strategy #4 : Avoid ambiguous and vague terms and faulty grammar
Cultivate good communication and writing skills. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unclear (something that is definitely rare for Msian students)

Strategy 4.1.1 : Go to Facebook and continue later....
There are a few more, and I'm rather lazy uninspired to continue. Actually, I wanted to prove that even with technology, one is able to concentrate and not get distracted, and it can also be used as an 'effective' method for more interactive learning. Well.............halfway there. =)
I think I have a lovehate relationship with Mark Zuckerberg.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

It's a Bird; It's a Plane!

Tidbits: My hair is getting mixed reviews from 'critics'. Oh well, I'm my own's best critic.

No, it's a Mat Rempit!

Now, as if our nation hasn't had its fair share of absurdities, the state government of Malacca is lifting the Mat Rempit name to new heights. Literally and figuratively. Well honestly, the constant terror on the roads are bad enough, let alone the skies. Leave those poor birds alone!

Certainly, there are other feasible alternatives to combat this whole Mat Rempit issue that has been quite sickening to the eyes (and ears) for all these times. Really. The sight of these bunch on micro-light aircrafts which costs a bloody RM6000 for a licence is probably a sign that we are truly heading towards Apocalypse.

The Government should really turn to psychologists to come up with interventions that are pretty damn well more logical than letting them off into the skies. What happened to old school community service? Sounds ideal, but impractical. Heck, it's still better than not ideal and impractical.

Never mind, don't mind me. I don't like where I'm going with this either. I'm just feeling for the birds.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just a Quickie

Tidbits: I'm in college doing the 'Sure Way to Get Fat' Program. Simple, sit in front of the computer and eat sugar crackers. Period.

Anabel got me addicted to these lovely sugar crackers by Cap Ping Pong( say what?). I've already eaten X number of crackers after a sinful meal of Murtabak at the mamak. Tsk. Terrible.

Anyway, I just happen to come across an article the other day I thought most of us would be able to relate to. It's about Facebook, and those who aren't using Facebook just go to Batu Caves and rot there. Haha, what a mean thing to say. Facebook isn't everything under the sun, who cares if you don't have a Facebook account? *minimises window and off to spam comments*

Okay, back. Remember there was once our newspapers/radios/internet/Facebook talked about 'The Best Job in the World'? Yeah, the one where you work on some resort island in Aussieland and get paid quite a sum. Oh, and apparently the job went to some Brit fella who happened to be a volunteer. See, being nice does pay, and pays well.

Man, I should stop beating around the bush. My point is...the best job in the world isn't the job mentioned above. The article I read talked about the maintenance people working at Facebook, and it seems that one of the job scope is to filter obscenity. I'm pretty sure you're getting my point, in the context of the best job in the world.

Apparently, Facebook has some rules like The Nipple Rule and The Fully-Exposed-Butt Rule or something to that. I kid you not. I'm sure you've done one of those 'How horny are you?', 'How good are you in bed?' and 'What sexual position are you?' quizzes. Seen the pictures that came along with them? Yeah. Back to the story, these people actually receive pictures daily and decide its appropriety with reference to the rules. So, basically they just sit in front of the screen and click click. Allow or disallow.

How is it the best job in the world? Hey, how many people actually get paid watching 'encouraging' pictures? There has never been a job so pleasurable. Look, it's way better than an accountant looking at figures okay, and by figures I mean numbers...not the other figures. =)

Done. Back to assignments.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

People of the World.....

Tidbits: Sometimes I should just speak and think later.

Let's cry!

I didn't know I was so *cough* influential *cough* that my fantamazing post about the theme park made the world realised how horny we can be.

Sad to say, it's a big dream that'll always remain a dream. According to officials, the park had 'evil influence' on society. I'd say more like physical influence on the anatomy. Geddit? =)

Some people expressed disappointment though. Hmm, define 'some' people. Anyway, I think this whole idea is bullshit from the start, call me old school, but hey, there are other ways that you can hold a sexfest mardi gras.

"The park was above board, so why was it pulled down? How can a country get powerful if it doesn't open its mind?" one person was quoted as saying in the newspaper.

Oh, give me a break. This picture seems to say otherwise. It's opening everything and anything but the mind.

Someone please translate those words for me. Don't answer in the cbox though, my guess is it's going to turn out like ****.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Irony!

Tidbits: Sometimes politics can become more corrupted than your computer getting infected by the Conficker worm 3184347573298 times. Only then, our leaders are willing to put aside all ego and talk. Isn't it about time?

Having one of the Seven Wonders of the World aside, China is in a state where it has to kick itself in the butt. Maybe its one billion population should do it. We know well enough how conservative Asians, or more specifically the Chinese are. Sex is still very much a taboo topic to be discussed among us, culturally speaking. I mean, many of us take sex as more of a visual topic(if you get what I mean) than a biological one. Don't we all like learning how the sperm gets to the ovum by looking how it's done rather than listening to your Biology teacher who censors more than Malaysian film authorities?

I remember once China made an earth shattering hype about the impropreity of the screening of movies such as 'Lust, Caution' and 'Brokeback Mountain'. Nonetheless, these people prove that exceptions can be made when you have a chance to indulge in something, even if it's almost morally incorrect.

Forget the American Dream! Here's the Chinese Dream- to open a sex theme park! What'd you find there? Hmm, let's see...naked human sculptures(are they trying to go French or Italian now?), giant genitals that will definitely be of good use to Bio students who are struggling to identify the parts of the reproductive system. Cmon, you can't miss the penis if it's that size! Moving on, my personal favourite as it is the most absurd, a sex technique workshop. My guess? It's basically watching the Kama Sutra instead of reading it(Can it even be read?). Workshops usually have demonstrations, don't they?

So, Durex won't have to conduct yearly surveys about the sex lives of Asians anymore. Those busy stressed Chinese businessmen are left without reason not to enjoy their sex lives. Big irony? Nah, big dreams!

Now, can someone buy me an air ticket to China? =)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tidbits: Come rain, come shine, come what may. For I know the truth will unearth one fine day.
GLAD that I live am I;
That the sky is blue;
Glad for the country lanes,
And the fall of dew.
After the sun the rain;
After the rain the sun;
This is the way of life,
Till the work be done.
All that we need to do,
Be we low or high,
Is to see that we grow
Nearer the sky.

Lizette Woodworth Reese

Friday, May 08, 2009

New Beginnings

Tidbits: Sometimes beginnings feel just like history repeating itself. I shall weave my own story for I hate repetition.

Haven't you questioned yourself for the gazillionth time why good things always come to an end? Or why good times pass in the blink of an eye? Bloody hell, HELP should give me another two-week break to procrastinate.On the contrary, if college hadn't start, I would've missed one of the most interesting lectures- Critical Thinking Skills which I happen to enjoy thus far.

So the interesting part goes like this....

"All men watch porn."
"Fact or opinion?"
What's more interesting was that when everyone moved on....
The uber cool lecturer asked a classmate to introduce himself and say something interesting. Out of the blue, she asked whether he watches porn. Didn't know you can tell a porn watcher from his face.
What's more more interesting was.....
His girlfriend was sitting right beside him. No prizes for guessing what he answered. Men will always be men. Enough said.
What's more more more interesting was
that it turned into a battle of the sexes.
"Women are lousy drivers."
"Fact or opinion?"
Needless to say, we all also know that women will always be women.
What's more more more more interesting was
Hartmans called Lady Gaga a bimbo. Hey, beneath the funky hairdos, quirky fashion sense and her eccentric underground black comic lyrics, you've got to give it to her. Hey, no talented people escape from the clutches of weirdness. There would be no such thing as e=mc2 if so. I'm pro-Gaga okay.
What's more more more more more interesting was
the sitting of the Perak assemblymen. Well, I wouldn't call it sitting. More of monkeying around. Oops, that should've stayed intact on my tongue, sensitive kan? Okay, just when you thought it was hard to drag a kid away from a candy store, some people really beh pai seh lorr. I'm speaking of the speaker Sivawhatshisname? Stubborn kid. Take it like a man or in this context, take it like a proud primate! Even if you were ejected, leave and make them worship the ground you paved. The sitting already dramatic enough right, might as well leave dramatically. Furthermore, don't these bunch have any new tricks up their sleeves? A battle of words is so Parliament 2008. From monyet to bodoh, we've heard it all. Move on or climb a tree. (wow, my humour is getting as dry as tree bark)
Life is very interesting after all. And it keeps getting better.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birth Control?

Tidbits: Holidays, holidays don't go away. Fly me to Prague any day. Also, I would deeply appreciate clicks on the Nuffnang ads to help me increase the current RM0.20 in my account.

I think this constant raving about Prague is getting a little out of hand. I actually Googleed the airlines flying to Prague, turned out MAS does not fly directly to Czech Republic. Reality check. It tells me to go on dreaming.

Anyway, as the title aptly or inaptly tells you, I couldn't resist the 'temptation'. I gave in. I DID IT! Let me take you on a trip down memory lane to weave this beautiful story of my childbirth. It didn't happen too long ago, only yesterday. =)

It was a sunny afternoon of three quarters past twelve (i think). I knew that it will be a faithful day. So here are the details of my baby's birth.

Date of birth: 22 April 209
Time of birth: I don't know exactly, but she was mine at about an odd 4-5pm
Place of birth: Sungei Wang Plaza (no, she's not one bit lala. She's a beautiful baby, mind you)

Oh, is there a need to mention the labour pain. Man, now I know how my mum feels. To get a baby,ah...the pain of it all. Nonetheless, like all mothers or in this case father, it was all worthwhile. To see the delicate thing smile back at you with it's humble features in your arms. It's satisfying. You know that you did the right thing from the moment you look into its eyes and see the view of the world like an amazing piece of artwork. It tells a story, a story that you create with every depression of your fingers on its flesh. Okay, this is getting a wee bit gory and sick, so I'm going to stop here before this heartwarming story turns into a story like 'Coming Soon'. Damn.

The bottom line is it's all worth the RM XXXX of 'hospital bills'.

Want to meet my baby?

Say hi to.......

I've yet to come up with a name for her.

She's still young. In due time, I'll be shaping her body with other parts. Then it'll be world domination. Muahaahahahah!

Please don't bang your head against the wall.
I don't think I lied. Her birth details were 99.9% accurate except for the time aspect. You don't know the labour pain my wallet has to bear to pop out that much $$ from its tummy. My mum knows how it feels because mummies were always the ones who suffered the 'labour pain' since you were born. Your diapers didn't fall from the good heavens, okay. Besides, I did look into its eyes, and I saw art. Photos, to me, are art in a form of its own. Each one has a story to narrate, and it has amazing powers of warping you back into the moment you experienced the anecdote. If it can make you feel how you felt back then, it is a job well done.

Now, when I look at you, I believe in LOVE.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nice Guys and Bad Boys

Tidbits: I don't settle for the small apples simply because they're not juicy enough. I'm a picky eater.

You know, dating websites are quite *something* (I can't decide on the right word). Not that I visit them often (crosses my heart,liver and kidneys). I just click on the links when I come across interesting topics on the YAHOO! homepage. Besides, most of my blogging inspirations come from quirky topics I read, and I improvise from there. The rest is history.

Anyway, check this out...

Dating Question: Can a Guy Be Too Nice?

Is it possible for a guy to be too nice? Here are some ways that this could ring true:

#1: He's So Nice, He Can Only Be a Friend
Hey, a good friend is hard to find. What sometimes happens when we get into a relationship? It eventually runs its course and ends, which means awkwardness and/or change in both of you, since you started off as friends. Maybe you can recover and remain buddies, but is it worth the risk if you find that you're really good friends with a nice guy? Also, sometimes the nice guy just has no edge, so he's destined to be just a friend.

#2: He's So Nice, He's Not Challenging Enough
I've recently learned from your comments: Women enjoy the thrill of the chase a bit too much. People like to wonder what's going to happen, that nerve-racking first few months when the "training wheels" are still on the relationship. And, no matter how much we try to deny it, we do like that we've won someone over instead of just having them give themselves up to us. If a guy is too easy, he may be ruining his chances.

#3: He's So Nice, He'll Always Be There
I've seen some friends take their time with a nice guy. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe a woman wants to meet some new guys and "sow her wild oats" while the nice guy fawns over her. She enjoys keeping him in her life as a friend, but somewhere in the back of her mind she knows that she can probably return to him later. Again, it's all about risk management: If you want to take the risk of him meeting someone else, then go for it.

#4: He's TOO Nice, You Can't Trust Him
Sometimes people are so nice that it seems like they might have sinister overtones. I always see it on Lifetime movies: The guy comes into the woman's life and he is just perfect. Then he slowly disintegrates into a psycho freak. Perhaps a guy can come off as so nice in the beginning that he appears to be covering up for something bad. A woman might avoid a relationship with him if something just doesn't feel right. What makes a guy too nice or "friend" material instead of dating material? Do you avoid getting into relationships with a guy who's too nice, or is he destined to be a "friend"?

Okay, I'm coming clean. I clicked on the link because people...erm...girls...have been telling me I'm too nice which pretty much explains why I'm still S.A.N.D (single, available and not desperate) after 18 years on this planet infested with females. Haha, so I guess it is true that girls dig the bad guys. Just to add on, there's this overused chinese phrase that goes 'nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai'. 

Hmm. Relationships. Love. Life. Kaypohs.

Since the bad guys are so in vogue....girls should just date the robbers, thieves and rapists. May help reduce crime rates. These Mr. Rights are just about everywhere.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tidbits: My wallet is fat with Starbucks receipts instead of coloured notes with Agong's face. This is bad.

Yes, my finals had officially ended and now I'm as free as my a bird. Now, moving on to holiday plans.

#1 Shop, shop and shop until my wallet is obese with excess receipts. Let's see, a D40 system, clothes and grooming plus a whole lot of rubbish. Shucks.

#2 Movie marathon. Rachel Getting Married tops the list.

#3 While Rachel gets married, I'll go on a dating spree to satisfy people's curiosity about my love life. (Erm, you do know I'm only kidding here right?)

#4 Catch up with chums especially The Queen, because she's going to spend all her Aussie dollars on me. =)

#5 The most interesting part would have to be planning for college next semester. Juria is going to love this.

#6 A very simple, non-elaborate vacation to Prague. Okay, downgrade to local ones.

Fine, maybe this post is getting a little themeless. Please forgive the output from my currently thoughtless mind. It's already on vacation.

Moving on....
I was talking to a friend one fine night. It was scintillating cum semi-metaphorical and less rubbish-like compared to what's above. =)

Say, if something you've been looking for is the biggest and brightest red apple high up on an apple tree-the highest point. Let's say the thing you're looking for is a thousand dollars, will you settle for the other one hundreds that are much lower? Now we're on to a different tree. This time the thousands are on the lower end, and the brightest apple on the top is worth a million dollars.Will you climb the tree even if there's a chance of missing the fruit? The higher you climb, the harder your fall is. The question is....

'How far will you go to get the biggest apple?'

Monday, March 30, 2009

Urban Jungle & Earth Hour

Tidbits: Okay, you actually had to wait for another 1000 years for another post, but some stranger who left a kind comment (hopefully sincere) in my cbox gave me the oomph that I needed. Ah, me and my narcissism.
This post is going to be all about going green. Technically and literally.
Going to FRIM is technically going into the green isn't it? Lush forests, soothing sounds of bugs, birds and waterfalls and bunch of monkeys migrating back into the wilderness after discovering they weren't meant for the city. amen.

Yeah, these.

You know what I really like about the jungle? Nature calls when you're enjoying nature. The best part is, you answer nature's call....anywhere you like.

Get the point?

Even the little critters in the jungle are more obedient than their city cousins. More photogenic too. Or maybe they were attracted to my pheromones, like bees to honey.

Ain't she prettier than the ones you see at home? Or behind the mamaks.

Amazed? Okay, now close your mouth.
Here comes the highlight.

You have this to thank for the prevention of STDs

Told you nature's good!

Okay, now to the more literal side of going green.

As you all know (or probably don't), Earth Hour was last Saturday. It was the time our Earth go dark, or at least it was supposed to. Kudos to those who survived an hour of cavemen life, and I certainly hope your cave isn't air-conditioned. Want to know the biggest irony?

One Utama went all out in support of Earth Hour. Yeah, we get your point, so when are you turning off your plasma tvs shining brightly saying 'One Utama supports Earth Hour'. Sigh, hypocritical city people.

Live in the dark for an hour and see the world in a new light. At least I did after 9.30.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Life is Good

Tidbits: Life is what you make of it which is why I need to tell myself ' Life is Good' everyday to keep myself sane. So what, I'm still a rock star.

I think my life has become chronically lifeless.Life is on life-support machine now which would be my very interesting classes in college. Okay, that's such a lifeless thing to say. Hmm, a point to ponder.

I will blog about my FRIM trip with the 'monkeys' soon enough. I need more life to write that post. It will not do the 'monkeys' justice for they are a really lively bunch who get excited by beehoon lunch instead of bananas. I think if I were to offer my banana, it'll be chaos. Hmm, females, control is key.

Anyway, college is really the opposite of school. Classes are way more interesting than extra-curricular activities. Take for example my English class. Ms Chandra can be so unfunnily funny in her own way. Just today, we debated about the liberation of women in today's society. In other words, it's the battle of the sexes la. The male team has only one member, whilst the female team has a lot of oestrogen with one handsome and very eligible perfect future husband. No points for guessing who he is. The silent ones during the argument just couldn't decide which sex they want to be I guess.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm liking my Calculus lecturer. Remember the one whom I promoted in one of my previous posts. I just found out he's of German and Indian heritage. Actually, if he were to read this, I can already picture his 24/7 smiling face which exposes his unDarlie-like teeth to the whole class. In commemoration of Earth Hour, we turned off the lights in class 5 minutes before class ended, yet again no points for guessing who came up with this 'brilliant' idea.I took advantage by making funny faces at him and the best part is he can't see in the dark.Despite the fact that he is driving the girls in college up cloud nine, just like I do, he's a great person to 'zha' and be left speechless. The worst get-back-at-you line he can come up with is, 'You three stooges la". Haha. Funny. Really funny. Don't you think it's funny. Funny ain't it?

On Thursday, I officially lost my clubbing virginity. The first time is always the most painful, that's what they say right? Anyway, I'm bittersweet about it. I like it and I don't like it. I think it's a place where you have to go with the right people. It's a place that tests your own faith. I can see myself going once in a while, but at the end of the day, I'm still a Starbucks kind of kid. Nothing beats a good read with great coffee and better people at Starbucks. A club is like cancer in a room. Man, the smoke!

I'm bored and boring. Someone fly me to Prague.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Age of Conformity

This post contains quotes I always reflect on when I think we are victims of a problem that we don't even realise how it affects us.
I think the hoohah about public examinations are too hoohah-ed that it makes people go hoohah. Period.

Yes, I did well, life goes on because there's life after SPM.
You didn't do well? Oh guess what, life still moves on, and it doesn't wait for you to finish your thousand-year emotional ordeal. I think most of those who have started college will know best.

"Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent."
I think this sounds utterly cliche and especially for someone who did considerably well, those who did score would probably think it's crap. Yet still, I know how you feel. The feeling as insignificant as humanly possible when you do not get what you want.
"What happened? Life."
Sometimes things like these bring out the ugly side of people, even the people who should be standing by you with arms wide open for consolation. It's sad to see. I don't mean to question parenting styles, but parents should really be the parents their children need at least at that moment of time. As a child myself, I think that to hear something disparaging from the lips of your own parent is like adding salt to the already badly wounded heart. So make a change to things, you wouldn't want to change things only when you child tests the gravitational pull of Earth from the tenth floor.
"All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair."
After the thousand year emotional turmoil, sit down and think. In a quiet place free from expectations, judgements and culture, reflect on yourself. When I reach a downpoint so low, I take a ticket to a place where many of us hold and keep what is really dear to us- the heart.
I go there and I sit around. Asking, thinking and discovering what truly matters. This is sounding more and more like fiction, but isn't life a fiction that you pen? Our biggest mistake is that we don't see the grades as grades itself, but as a determinant to a bright future. It might be, but it's not the only. Again bright in this context is to find the shine of gold thinking it'll give us everything we need. Maybe, it's true to a certain extent in the world nowadays, but I've always believed that it'll give a person only as much as it can possibly give. I dare say one of the most ill feelings one can have is to have so much but feel so empty.
"I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realized I was doing it."
I've always been fascinated by culture. It is something that we grow and revel in. It plays such a significant role in shaping us into what we are. Many at times, we refuse to give in to cultural norms and taking a stand in what we believe in. Yet, unknowingly we fall into its trap. There's no one to blame for the way a culture is set, and the trap is there not because someone chose to build it. If we really want to find someone to throw all the blame at, then we are all guilty as charged. Culture is shaped and moulded with the bare hands of everyone in the same environment. What's right, what's wrong, what's good and what's bad today is very much predefined by culture and most of us, as this post clearly says, conform. We all do, and we all shouldn't. Having the faith and courage to break out is something we can spend a lifetime trying, and if we can, then we all can say at least we succeeded on something in life.
"Well, for one thing, the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. We're teaching the wrong things. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it. Create your own. Most people can't do it."
I doubt some will even reach this part of this bland piece of writing. It's not me to write something like this often, but I feel like voicing something out, for this is what a blog is supposed to be, primarily. I think it's very sad to see people dissatisfied with what they've gotten, even if it is culturally defined as 'good'. Their attention is all directed into that few or possibly ONE credit and the other 10 distinctions suddenly seemed invaluable when all these while it was the distinctions they were vying. Why choose to make yourself miserable when a better option is possible? I personally like the following quote.
"I thought about all the people I knew who spent many of their waking hours feeling sorry for themselves. How useful it would be to put a daily limit on self-pity. Just a few tearful minutes, then on with the day."
I have a certain fondness for the poem, "The Road Not Taken". Beautifully crafted and I think everyone can relate to it in one way or another. As different as we are, our stories are all the same. After SPM, we are turning over a new leaf into a new chapter. Little do we know, we are all going the same path, we are answering to the same call we know we have to, even if it was when we were five. As we grow, we tend to forget the call to follow what you believe in due to various factors, but the one thing that's for sure, it has never changed from the day we were born. We know who we want ourselves to be, but what we do not know it how to talk ourselves into believing that following the call will sooner or later be what we really want in life- meaning.
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
"These were people so hungry for love that they were accepting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship. Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell you, as I'm sitting here dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling you're looking for, no matter how much of them you have."

"It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. That death doesn't just take someone, it messes someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed."
"Wordy, but worthy."-leginhet

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


"Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back."
-For One More Day.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Got Milk?

You know when they say girls can also do things a guy can do, and do it better? It goes the same for guys.

Don't believe me? Go ask your mum to get pregnant again and feed the newborn breast milk.....from your DAD. Or you can save the trouble of 9 months and try it yourself. Yumm.

You got that right. GUYS can lactate too. Don't ask me why I found out about this. No, i'm not about to get pregnant and breastfeed my baby. Haha, I just read random things online, so don't mind me. It's proven anyway. In their 1896 book, Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, Dr. George Gould and Dr. Walter Pyle recount several occurrences of men breastfeeding their young.(because they could lactate and it's their biography. haha.)

The stories include a sailor who put his son to his breast to quiet him and started producing milk; a South American peasant who sustained his child with his own breast milk during his wife’s illness; and a Chippewa man who put his infant to his breast following the death of his wife and produced enough milk to rear the child. The phenomenon hasn’t stopped. In 2002, a Sri Lankan man named B. Wijeratne lost his wife and was left to care for their 18-month-old daughter. When the child refused powdered milk, Wijeratne tried something different. “Unable to see her cry, I offered my breast,” Wijeratne told a Sri Lankan newspaper. “That’s when I discovered I could breastfeed."

All men can breastfeed, because they possess the two most vital components for lactating—mammary glands(yes, the boobs) and pituitary glands.

You know what's worse? They found out that men produce small amounts of prolactin(the hormones that produces milk), an example of a situation would be after orgasms. So, guys, ditch the whipped cream and enjoy something fresher. However, it's not present in large quantities so I guess you'll have to savour every drop. I'm quite sure some people would rather have it off a man.

A man like this.

I think this is quite cool, and it's my blatant attempt to boost readership, so yeah. Sue me. I reached 10000 hits and it certainly calls for a celebration. So.....

Got Milk?

Friday, March 06, 2009

Just A Boring Post About My Boring Life

You know what, I think there are some girls who are quite the lookers around campus, and I thought good looking Msian women are extinct. Here's to hope for beautiful offspring. *raises a glass of champagne*

Anyway,I'm going to FRIM with the librarians next Saturday. I think they're only happy to go for 3 reasons
(i) I'm joining them.
(ii) Neal's joining them.
(iii) They're joining their own kind- the monkeys. (there are monkeys at FRIM, right?)
Utter bimboness.

What else has been happening?Let's talk about my friends.
Hmm, Violet is calling herself a slut, but I guess that's old news. Monica is planning to take her Masters in IT, and the biggest joke is that she doesn't even know how to work the line spacing in Word. Yes, guys...laugh all you want, I did. Also, my beloved terribly missed Neal Tan is coming back from N.S too. I think I won't recognize him. Well you know what the actors in HK dramas always say when someone comes out from jail, "lei sao jor hou dor". Sorry, still working on my cantonese, but it's true that Neal is giving Kate Moss a run for her money. I moved over Zoe and currently smittened by Lay Shu just because she's a girl who doesn't mind taking an Asam Laksa supper. I just realised what I missed a lot about high school is Amanda's infectious laughter and the times Violet calculated money. En Kane and Anthea has officially nominated themselves as The Cutest Couple because they actually use SuperPoke on Facebook to send gifts, and that includes knitting a scarf. How sweet. I'm also admiring Kai Shen and worshipping him like a super hot Greek god. I haven't talked to Soo Ern in a while, but I guess she's busy with Lemuel because he is so irresistable. Last but not least, The Librarians are...well....being librarians.

I think we can make a spinoff of the tv series, F.r.i.e.n.d.s.

See, I'm making an effort to update myself about my friends.
New friends? Juria is as good as Dutch cheese can get. Haha. Kai Wei is big...big with personality, mind you. Ruo Xuan is one of the most interesting person I've ever met- she's afraid of almost anything that I'm surprise she could actually survive on Earth. Her driving skills will give even the lousiest driver on Earth the last laugh. Mani is bloody and filthy rich that he offers an all expenses paid trip to Sabah. Any takers? (Anyone who takes really beh pai seh I tell you) Hong Chun was in the same Add Math tuition as I was for two years and I never knew him until today. Damian's smile can make the most tiring day in college seem like nothing. Phoebe is obsessed with purple more than she is with her name, her real name.

Ah, maybe not so boring after all.

"No life is a waste," the Blue Man said. "The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we're alone."
-Mitch Albom